This Dog Found A Home

This is what we accomplish when we all band together.
Thanks to your monetary contributions
and Lorin’s diligent care for the past three months…
Chip started here… at a kill shelter waiting to die…
And is now going to his forever home with a loving family.
It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it? 
Merry Christmas indeed

43 thoughts on “This Dog Found A Home”

  1. Absolutely wonderful! Makes me feel quite choked up. I hope he and his new family have many years of happiness ahead of them.

  2. Wow he looks great! !!! I was just thinking about how he was doing the other day so glad he found a good home. Hope you a have good day and weekend

  3. This would bring tears to the hardest of hearts. Just incredible. How beautiful that this wonderful creature has a completely new life. I can't imagine the scars his heart must have from the memories of where he has come from. But maybe, just maybe those memories are forever gone from his mind, overshadowed by the new life and loves he has found! Thank you for sharing his story. Carolyn

  4. He looks so sweet and good! His fur looks so soft I just want to hug his big head.

    We all should be a little bit proud, but Karen, you are the one that needs huge kudos. I'm clapping and clapping!

    I'm adopting Chip in my head to be George and Calvin's (my adopted pets) step-brother.

    smooches sister

  5. Thank God for wonderful people stepping up to the plate for the least of us! What a fabulous Christmas story.
    I'm up to six dogs now Karen and praying God doesn't send anymore my way any time soon -LOL-.

  6. Had to believe that is the same dog..even HARDER to believe that people can be so heartless and cruel..glad there are some gems (wonderful people like you..) in the world! I am happy he found a home. He looks so good.

  7. I'm so HAPPY!!!! For Chip, for all the people who cared for him, for his new humans, who will hopefully give him all the love and care he deserves.

    I'm off to do a little happy dance now 😉

    Congratulations and a Merry Christmas.

  8. Karen,
    Kudos to you for stepping up and bringing his plight to our attention. Some of the best money I ever spent and a wonderful Christmas present, too! I prayed every day for this dog's healing. Can you tell us which state he went to? I am in Florida and wish I could have had him. Thanks again for sharing this story. Bonnie

  9. I told ya he had a lotta pit bull in him…he looks a lot like Roy.
    One thing about pits…….they forget the abuse, and they are ready to love everyone.

  10. Beautiful. Brings tears of absolute joy to me to see Chip and hear that he has a forever home.Merry merry Christmas to all.

  11. I cannot see what I am writing because of the tears……

    What a wonderful news…..

    But will we ever hear about him ???????

    A huge a giant hug to the sweet boy.

    Maria from Switzerland

  12. I had to fight back tears reading about Chip. I love happy endings or wonderful new beginnings.
    I knew I would love your blog the minute I saw that you are a animal lover and I was right.

    Merry Christmas to you!

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