This is my Religion

 I try to stay away from religious and political posts, mainly because those subjects are riddled with landmines and tend to attract the crazies. I don’t like to offend people either – I don’t believe my views should be yours too.  Today’s post is an exception.

 I was raised a Catholic, as were my parents and their parents. While I have the education and the rites of passage,  I believe something a little different than what I was taught.  I would say I am a spiritual person, but I am not religious.  I see much hypocrisy and I don’t believe in a fear-based structure, which is prevalent in religious history.  I did give my children the opportunity to grow up in the Catholic community so that they could make decisions for themselves, untainted by my feelings on the matter. I think that’s only fair.

 Last night at my son and nephew’s confirmation ceremony, I saw and felt and was drawn to the reason people go to church on Sunday.  Families together, an uplifting sermon, music that soothed the soul. There were tears in my eyes  as my sister and son, nephew and  uncle stood before the Priest during the anointing.

Souls together under one roof, taking comfort in each others presence, rejoicing. Now there’s a religion I can abide. If only it were all about that.


25 thoughts on “This is my Religion”

  1. Such handsome young men!
    I totally agree.
    Living in east Tn has really opened my eyes to the true fear-induced churches in my area. Snakes and the whole bit! We also have quite a few institutions that do not believe in health care. How someone can let a child suffer a horrifying death all in the name of "waiting on God" is beyond me. God gave knowledge and skill to doctors for a reason.
    *off my soapbox*
    I don't fear God; I rejoice in the wonderful things He does.

  2. Ah, but Karen…it's not about religion at all. It's about relationship; relationship with Jesus Christ. Every religion has its fair share of nutters who think everyone else is either Lucifer's handmaid or going to hell and deservedly so.
    Religion is man's way of keeping count through the collection plate.
    Relationship is God's way of ensuring those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior spend eternity with the Trinity, et. al. in heaven.
    Hope you're feeling much better from the cold; nasty thing any time of year but especially "now"…whenever "now" is -smile-.

  3. How handsome they look! I think you nailed it, that is the experience that so many hope for, but fail to achieve through the rigors required by some religions. We found a new church that is uplifting, and spiritual and full of young-ish families coming together for just those reasons. So glad you experienced a meaningful night with your family!

  4. Oh Karen! I totally get you. I too, feel that emotion in that setting. I was raised Roman Catholic and went through it all. Unfortunately, the progress only thru guilt, bad until good, money, money, money, money, just poison that sense of community for me. In my mind, a parent (the lord) is forgiving, understanding and loves regardless of the sins of the child. So the professed punishment in the end makes no sense. I, for one would not turn my back on my child as the catholic god does in the end if it does not go "his" way. But I also believe those are man made "laws" and I will not honor them. Instead, I will continue to live the best life I can, treating my fellow man with respect and – hopefully – understanding. Organized religion has not been for me. I am not saying that I may not turn to it in my future. Only that I have not found what works for me in that organized arena. But we're ok! I know it!!!!

  5. Oh my tenderheart. It is just that. A family relationship. I was also raised a and confirmed as a Catholic, just like my parents and grandparents. The hypocrisy of others is true. But it's not a case of guilt by association. Love and blessings on you and yours,

  6. I don't blog about religion either. Last time I did (and I really wasn't even blogging about religion – I just mentioned that I'd been on a mission trip as a kid) I promptly lost a follower.
    Handsome young men! 🙂

  7. I hear you, Karen! Let's see- I saw your title and came here- hmmm…would I be one of the "crazies" then? I get so tired of "RELIGION"…I think Heaven is a whole lot bigger than a religion! Your son and nephew are both handsome young men…and yes..CHURCH to me is about gathering together and loving each other just as we are- warts, blemsishes and all!

    Now…if you want to see what Easter is REALLY all about-pop by my blog and watch as SweetCheeks waxes eloquent on the subject!;>) I knew I had missed SOMETHING in my religious education! xxoo Diana ps…I LOVE your new header! AND…you are playing one of my all time favorite songs!

  8. I was a youth counselor for 12-18 year old kids in the Methodist church for years, and loved every minute! However, I truly believe church is in what surrounds us, what we believe in and what makes us & the people we love happy. The end.

    Love the photo's! 🙂

  9. I too was raised Catholic and have raised my children Catholic as well. I do not agree with everything our church believes or stands for. However when my father died I craved the only thing I knew would make me feel better "Mass". It was all the ritual and ceremony of the Mass that I grew up with that gave me the comfort I desperately needed. The boys looked handsome!!!

  10. Good post! I am Catholic and living in a state where another religion is predominant. It's made me think about my faith a lot.

    I do agree with NanaDiana–I think Heaven is a lot bigger than any one religion.

    Congratulations to your nephew!

    Have a great day.

  11. We have the same upbringing and the same feeling now…organized religion (the new born again Christian type) has caused such rifts in my family….I just wonder how something that is suppose to so good can cause such problems…all in the name of "God".

  12. Ditto on being raised Roman Catholic and coming from a long line of past, present, and future Catholics. I also went to Catholic schools. While I do not agree with everything the church preaches, like you, I find comfort in some of the rituals. My heart broke when the church my grandparents, aunts & uncles, sisters and I got married in because of bad decisions (I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). Since that time I have a different perspective on my religion. I like to think of myself as a good Christian woman more than a catholic woman.

    Like, you I try to stay away from talking about politics! I'm pretty liberal so you can use your imagination . . . and my husband teaches American Government in a college! LOL!!!

  13. Look how much agreement there is in these comments. It speaks to the bigger picture doesn't it?

    I believe that we need to find our peace in ourselves. Then we can shine it outwards. And that is the most challenging thing ever. For me at any rate.

    Handsome boys too!

  14. Look at these handsome men! And your sister is beautiful! I could have written this post. I was raised Catholic (and my husband as well) and for the last 4 yrs attended a "non-denominational" church and realized how much we missed the liturgy, sacrament and also the Hymns!! We are now attending a Lutheran church and we love it. I never realized that the Lutheran church (which is VERY similiar to Catholic) is basically those few things I didn't agree with in the Catholic church.
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  15. Oh boy…. it's best I don't even comment. Although I will say that everyone should believe what they want and not be judged by others for their beliefs, as long as they are not killing in the name of whatever it is they believe in.

  16. Such handsome young men! I grew up Catholic, too, and have raised my children Catholic. I truly don't see it as a fear based faith at all. Catholicism is filled with HOPE. The reason the Church exists is to reach down, pick man up and take him to heaven to be with the Lord one day.
    I was confirmed as an adult (logistical reasons – moving around, etc), and had the opportunity to go to RCIA. I loved every minute, and was blessed with a really good formation. I truly believe the Christian church is all about hope, love, faith. I love the joyfulness of the Mass, I love the ritual.
    My daughter is preparing to make her Confirmation. She is so excited. I think she has been well formed in the faith (girlfriend knows her stuff!), and therefore can make an informed decision. I don't think fear has a place in church, either. I don't think Christ EVER intended that. He is love, and wants us to follow Him, so we can experience the ultimate love with Him in heaven.
    Congratulations on your son's confirmation! Blessings, Megan

  17. Raised Catholic, too…and consider myself a spiritual person but not a church goer…However, there are times when the rituals and the music are just right. There are times when I need the comfort of what I grew up with. So even though my beliefs differ from the structured church I sometimes go for the community and the peacefulness… Wonderful post, Karen! xo

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