This is where it gets really discouraging….

 A 19 year old?   A NINETEEN YEAR OLD???    …Who has been in the US for over 10 years. He came here along with many family members to seek a better way of life.  To get a better education. And he DID!  He was an excelling student at U-Mass, also a fitness buff.  To all who knew him, he seemed like a good soul, a good sport, the outgoing friendly kind of guy.   What sort of hold his brother had on him we’ll probably never know, because I don’t see this ending well, do you?  No, I don’t see him him giving himself up readily to undergo the interrogation. 

 He had a good life here, had friends and family nearby.  What the hell could have possibly ignited such hate or anger or whatever it is that compels a person to do such a horrible thing.

  I pray he does not slip through the dragnets, the thousands of law enforcement officers who are looking for him.  We need answers.

18 thoughts on “This is where it gets really discouraging….”

  1. Nobody really knows what is in someone elses mind. We may think we do but outward appearances fool people every day. I am sure he was pulled into something so evil that most human beings can never understand.

  2. i hope he doesn't slip away either….darn it, they better get him, alive, so that questions can be answered !!!

  3. With my husband a policeman and my two sons heading in that direction, I pray for the hundreds of law enforcement officials combing the streets and the MIT policeman who was ambushed and murdered along with the MBTA officer who was critically wounded. My sons state police exam scheduled for tomorrow was cancelled because of the events in Boston. I have to say, I feel relieved.

  4. A major difference between Christianity and Islam is the hate Islam spews at infidels…anyone who isn't Islamic. We don't like to talk about it, it's the white elephant in the room.

  5. I don't see it ending well either, Karen. I wish it would not end in death because I feel it is much deeper than what we are seeing on the surface- with fingers that reach back to an, as of yet, unknown hand. xo Diana

  6. It doesn't sound as though he had any family parent figure so I would hazard to guess his brother was it for him. It is a senseless tragedy and I feel so sorry for the victims' families. Another tragedy in our country.

  7. I hate to say it, but is just TRUE–Islam is not a religion of peace–Infidels (who are anybody who aren't Muslim) are considered the enemy to be destroyed. I pray no more innocent lives are taken.

  8. Now that he is in custody, I hope we can get some answers. Between this and all of the school shootings over the past 20 years, what in the world is happening to these young kids that they have developed such hatred for our country and society? Mental illness? Nah…just pure evil.


  9. Being from Boston (grew up in Dorchester) I am so proud of our officers and all law enforcement involved. Totally thankful to Boston's finest. He was caught and caught alive. May we get answers, learn from those answers..for our future saftey. Again thank you officers. Thank you Jesus. May we keep praying for those families who lost loved ones and for those who were wounded and lives are forever changed. Peace, Karen acapecodnest

  10. I had the same thought you did, didnt think there was anyway this dude would give up. And, he hid on a boat….on dry land?
    Anyway, thrilled this is over as I'm sure you are, and how proud should we all be of how Boston police, FBI and everyone else including the citizens behaved. I'm super proud to be an American citizen tonight…Boston and its people made me very proud.

  11. The scary thing is that the terror that is in places such as the Gaza Strip or Behruit has now come to our company.

    Looks like they have captured him alive. Maybe they'll get some answers. Hard to get them from a dead man.

  12. Got him !!!!!! What I'm having trouble understanding I the Russian government warned us of his brother we had him for questioning and let him go ! Ok when a another government thinks someone is bad enough to contact us I think he shouldn't even been here ! I think he had alot of impact on the young one

  13. That's what free- will gets you. Evil is alive and well and it's up to us to be individuals who love and live by example even if it is only to those who know us. This evil is so convoluted we will never understand it. Love WILL find a way.

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