This, That.. and something else entirely.

  I am very pleased to see that the powers that be saw the discrimination in the Brewer Bill in Arizona and the state continues to be open for business… to everyone.  If interested, read article HERE.  

 This has been shared on FB, and for me it epitomizes how I felt about the bill
and the mentality of it. 
On another note, neighbor Carol Ann sent me this..

About the Red Dog Project… since the innaugural  group of dogs has now been adopted, they are bringing nine new pups in from Georgia that were living in a small house along the highway, never handled by humans and in danger of being run over by the highway traffic.  One of our Rescue friends down there pulled them all after the owner of the house made it clear he wasn’t going to care for them… and they are being vetted and eventually spayed/neutered.. and will be transported to the Correctional facility here in CT for training and care – and then adoption.  The Corrections Officers will actually drive down on their own time to pick them up, how awesome is that!!  These guys are adorable… not sure of the mix of breed yet.. any guesses from my readers?   We call them the Highway Nine. 
If you’d like to contribute to their rescue expenses, there’s a donate widget HERE on the Red Dog site.  Every dollar helps us achieve our rescue and rehab mission. You know I’ll keep you posted on the highway nine’s progress.  Red Dog is trying to bring the mom home too…that will be more expensive, as currently there is no foster available for her and she will need to undergo heartworm testing and possibly treatment.  

I love when people come together to get something accomplished in a postive way.It’s a beautiful thing.  And you know.. some would say… “it’s just a bunch of homeless puppies, there are so many others.”And I will tell to look at a pebble you toss in a vast lake.. see how far the ripple travels. Every step taken..counts. Every good deed makes the world a better place,no matter the scale of it.
Amen again.