
   Do I admit that I am a fan of Stephenie Meyers Twilight Series?  And do I throw my sister and my good friend Joey under the bus and tell you they’re just as bad as I am?  Heck yeah, I’m not going it alone 🙂 

  I have ALWAYS been a Vampire fan, and I find True Blood to be a bit campy and cheap and I just don’t watch it.  I’m in it for the gorgeous scenery and the romance, and maybe even the anquish, because there is plenty of that to go around.

  I read all four Twilight novels in nine days… couldn’t put them down.  Joey and I along with a few other mid-lifers went to see each of the movies as they came out with the exception of the most recent one, “Eclipse”. Matinee hours,  to be less conspicuous.  We were not alone. There were plenty of mid-life-wifes there and each of us gasped in unison at the appropriate moments.  

 The DVD  for Eclipse has just come out and I grabbed a copy today. I need the Closed Caption now a days to really enjoy a movie, even though the scenery in it is worthy without sound.  There will be a private showing tonight in my home and there might  just be chocolate wine, guacamole and chips involved.

  Go ahead and laugh if you will, but don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.

13 thoughts on “Twilight”

  1. I read the entire series in one go too:) I was sick and could do nothing else but read. What a wonderful world to slip into:)The Cullen family fascinated me. Have fun!

  2. My daughter read them VERY quickly too Karen! I didn't and just can't get into the whole vampire thing. I hope you enjoy your special movie evening!!!

  3. I'm not sure I get the vampire thing either, but I never even picked up one of the books so I am not going to judge them or the movies. It might just be interesting to pick up the first book…


  4. I bought it Saturday and we watched it that evening. I thought it was boring. Have greatly enjoyed the other two, but this one dragged on, and I was disappointed in Dakota Fanning's character. It just did not trip my Twilight trigger this time.

  5. Nope- I didn't jump on the Vampire band wagon either but a lot of my friends did! Love those good looking vampire boys…the little blood suckers!;>) diana

  6. Girl… I am right there with you!!!! I love them and read them all in a couple of weeks! Sadly, I haven't seen the third movie, but I want to! Can I come over???? 🙂

  7. i loved buffy and angel, but have to admit after seeing the first twilight movie, i just couldn't get into it. i'm all for adults reading "children's" books, tho' (hence my harry potter marathon – reading all 7 in 10 days). 🙂 i say just enjoy it!

  8. Not my thing but you guys have loads of fun! Sounds like a great way to celebrate a shared obsession… errr… interest, yeah, I meant "interest"

  9. My librarian daughter loved that series too and read them all in one go…maybe I will make it my summer reading for next summer…they sound like summer reading to me for some reason. But the movie party? …good any time of year!

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