Two Goats and a Wedding

Bella and Star have arrived!  And oh, we are so in love.  💗

Star, now about three months old… see the little Star on her forehead….  She is the baby who was rejected by her mama at birth, kicked with a resulting broken leg.  She lived in a cast for a while and was nursed along by the dairy goat farmer, who let us adopt her once she was healed. She does have a limp but she can run along with her playmate and I think once the atrophy from cast living has had time to build up strength again, she’ll get even better, although as long as she’s happy we’re fine with a gimpy goat.  She is super friendly, having lived her first few months in the house of the farmer, hanging out on the couch watching TV on his lap at night.


This is Bella… the silver dots on her head are still visible, where she was humanely dehorned before coming here.  She is 7 weeks old, her mama just weaned her naturally  ( they start kicking them away when they try to nurse) and so she came with Star and they are already best buddies.

It’s been raw and rainy for their first few days here so they’ve been wearing dog  sweaters /coats to keep the chill off, now that they aren’t with their herd of babies and moms.

About that Wedding!  My Aunt P was widowed a few years ago after her dear husband of many years passed on, and she moved back to our state to be near family and friends. Slowly she began the hard work of building her new life, missing my Uncle terribly still…. and  reconnecting with old friends, volunteering at a Therapeutic riding facility too.  A few years into life as a widow, she met a lovely man, also a widower,  who is a kind, gentle soul.  They found they were kindred spirits, sharing a love of family, long walks, meals together, and they both longed for  a shared life with someone they cared about.  After a  happy courtship, they decided to wed.  Plans were made,  and then COVID-19 appeared.  Plans sadly cancelled, as their children and grands are spread around the country and not only was a large gathering unsafe, the travel even more so.

After a little time passed and some thought was put into the dilemna, a plan was hatched.  A very small ceremony was held yesterday at Parmelee Farm here in Town.  My mom is a Justice of the Peace and she officiated.  I was the photographer,  Aunt P’s son and daughter-in-law were the witnesses.  It was a true Family Affair.  We all live in separate houses ( the pictured couples live together) so we observed safe social distancing protocol.


💗 Love Wins 💗   🥂



24 thoughts on “Two Goats and a Wedding”

  1. That’s a lovely story about finding love again! Your goats – oh my!! It’s a good thing I don’t have a barn! -Jenn

  2. Congrats to the happy couple! The baby goats are adorable. I loved you post title. It reminded me of a book I read several years ago….not sure why. The book was called 50 Acres and a Poodle by Jeanne Marie Laskas. The book was really good and had to do with living in the country, farmland….It was a fun read.

  3. Hello,

    The goats are so cute, I am sure they love their new home.. Congrats to the happy couple!
    Take care and have a great day. Wishing you a great new week!

  4. I love the image of the farmer watching TV with a baby goat in his lap.
    I’m sure Star and Bella are in for lots of fun and adventures.
    The wedding is wonderful. I’m so happy for the newlyweds.

  5. I am so happy for your aunt and that she could have her wedding. We need to grab onto those moments. Well done!

    I don’t think I realized how small the goats were till I saw the photo with scale. They’re just adorable and I think they’ll be wonderful new additions to your family!

  6. So glad the new goats are there with y’all. They’re so cute! And, could not be in a better place with you guys!

    I’m happy for your aunt, wonderful that she’s found love again. God bless their marriage.

    Your mom being a notary; I used to be one and officiated at a few weddings. I’d do it again but I know I’d screw things up; I can’t even remember what I had for dinner last night. 🙂

    One wedding was a shock to my system; I was living with my mother (you know those six years before she passed). One of her neighbors called me in a panic; their minister had not shown up for the wedding in their backyard for their son, and fiance’. They were all gathered in the backyard waiting! I told her I had on jeans and a sweatshirt; she said “I don’t care, please get over here!” I did and was embarrassed but I got it done. 🙂


    1. Why am I not surprised?!?!…. and I bet you made a wonderful notary. And so many good stories you have to tell, Sally!

  7. Oh I love weddings. Life affirming and a reminder that love and life go on even when we’re busy making other plans. Also, glad to see a picture of your Mom, the philosopher and smart commenter.

  8. I’m in love with the goats. Do they know they won the lottery 🙂 Your Aunt looked lovely for her wedding day but those sweaters on the goats – amazing. Thank you for a feel good post. Jo.

    1. Hi Jo! – The goats in general don’t usually need coats, however these two babes came during a particularly cold wet Spring, and Bella having just left the warmth of her mama and the herd, she needs a little extra warmth. They don’t mind wearing the dog sweaters/coats at all, funny thing.

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