Spring Cottage Gardens and Wild Woods Blooms

Having come off a mild Winter, I had assumed incorrectly we’d have a mild Spring.  It’s been a cold wet one here in New England and today only underscores the statement with more rain in the forecast.   In between the raindrops I’ve been visiting the cottage for things like tiny garden cleanup and beginning the restock of the refrigerator and cupboard.   The  140 “island” cottages have many little gardens, not so much groomed as a bit random.  Depending on water from little wells on a rocky outcropping of land jutting out into the salt water of Long Island Sound into the Atlantic, a peninsula not-really-an-island,  water must be conserved so as not to use it up.  Hence, big gardens are discouraged.  Most of these cottages are seasonal and aren’t  inhabited by their owners or renters until the summer season has arrived.  For that reason I have been pleasantly surprised by all the spring blooming tulips, daffodils and forsythia planted across the community.  On a grey day it’s a cheery sight…

In our Stella’s little waterfront garden, the Parsley from last summer is still growing in abundance.  I have literally been pulling parsley from it all winter long , see it in the right hand bottom corner?- who woulda believed it.

The little cottages each have their own personality, no two are the same.  I have had the opportunity to see the insides of at least 10 of them now and each has it’s own unique charm,  I love seeing what people do with their spaces.   Below are a few photos from a neighbor…  Love the fireplace and the checked floor!

Yesterday I took the dogs for a walk down the trail behind the farm, and found wild spring blooms in abundance….

Swamp Marigold…

Trout Lily…

and wild violet? Pansy?…..

The goat girls, Bella and Star – have captured all of our hearts, even the Mr. They are so very friendly, call to us as we approach their pen and cry for us when we leave it.  They lay in our laps, enjoy head scratches and are discovering the mini horses Coady and Lacey are their  neighbor buddies.

We’ve loved having our show horse, Leah, home…. and she’s loved being a real horse again without all the constraints of show horse life.  The show season has been postponed yet another month or two, which I think is very wise – and I am so glad we brought her home.  Not just for the financial reasons, but for all of our well being.

I’ve started another painting, a tiny oil on canvas depiction of  Cruz Bay in St. John – lots more to fill in…I’ll share  it again when it’s done…   I am finding much more joy in painting as an older person than I did when I was young.  The reason is simple –  I am … a simple artist.  I will never have the patience to draw out and execute a spectacular painting, like those you see from the truly gifted, truly patient, truly educated greats –  That used to disappoint me, but it no longer does.  I paint for enjoyment, for stress relief.  My simple method pleases me in the ways it needs to, and if someone else likes looking at it too, icing on the cake!  but not the main goal.  If you’re so inclined to create art in whatever form, don’t ever be discouraged by what you might believe is – not good enough –  There’s no such thing with an expression of art.  Just do it, and enjoy the process.    There are some benefits to aging – and that’s been one of them for me.

During these strange social distancing times, have you picked up something you put down long ago? I’ve been  painting, cleaning, cooking, baking, eating, cursing all the eating, wash, rinse, repeat.   We are all well and I still have a job, thankfully – and have been working in my home office, thankful for that too.  I hope you are all finding ways to enjoy this down time, also hoping you are staying well and have not come across too much financial hardship, sadly that’s the case for many workers and businesses.

Closing this post with a little COVID-19 humor, because we have to find ways to laugh, amIRight?

Till soon, friends…

11 thoughts on “Spring Cottage Gardens and Wild Woods Blooms”

  1. Hello,

    I love all the spring flowers. The cabin and fireplace do look pretty. Cute shot of the goat. I’ve been doing a little more baking, but not too much. Beautiful collection of photos. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Such pretty spring flowers. I grew up on a lake in Michigan. We lived there year round, but many of our neighbors had summer cottages, that they used to escape the city in the summer.

    1. growing up on a lake must have been wonderful! And a lake as big as that must have felt like the ocean as a child.

  3. Oh, I do love the Renaissance reference!! The flowers around Stella are gorgeous. Our gray days sure are brightened up by the rose blossoms here and the clematis that are waning. Thankfully, the roses should be blooming until fall.

  4. Love the humor and love the cottage and all the blooms so very much. It must be wonderful to be in your happy place again. I can tell how much you love it. It has been a bit of a grim spring, hasn’t it. It will probably one day turn 85 and humid. I don’t know how we will deal with the cottage this year as I need to stay more or less quarantined for a long while, though I can walk. I’m thinking I’ll just take all the food and whatever we need and not go to the store. Our northern county has a bad percentage of deaths to cases and I’m not sure the hospital knows how to handle the virus well.

    I love the goats and I’m so delighted they are setting in well. And your painting — Bravo! I can’t wait to see the finished piece. I love it so far. I don’t know that I’ve picked up anything new but just doing things I’d not really had the time before. Which is just an excuse because my life is no different than before. But it’s a relatively productive one, so long as I don’t get lost in the news!

    1. I bet your cottage will be a wonderful respite, I say take all the food and head out there. Take some long walks in the fresh air and perhaps there’s a store that delivers groceries out that way? if so, just wipe everything down when it arrives. Stay well, Jeanie –

  5. Beautiful colors in the flowers, I love that you took photo’s to show what is around Stella and your place as well.

    I haven’t picked up any ‘new’ habits and still can’t find the energy to do much other than reading, and just trying to pick up around here. Things will begin getting loud out back when the buyers of the property behind us start building. Our little town is starting the ‘boom’; it will be interesting. 🙂

    Take care, and keep well. I like that you stay busy as I did back in the ‘olden age’. LOL


  6. I love that little cabin!
    I have done a lot of cleaning, yard work and crocheting during my down time. I have been out of work since October so I can’t blame Covid for my boring life right now. I am just ready to get back to work! I love down time but not this long!

    1. I’m sure it’s been frustrating for you, having been used to a routine and a job outside of the home for so long. At least you’ve got that awesome getaway at the beach, and I hope you’ve been able to take advantage of it often during these weird times.

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