
 Have you seen the movie yet?  

     Amazing.. amazing true story.   – 2014 , produced and directed by Angelina Jolie,  based on the 2010 non-fiction book by Laura Hillenbrand.   The film revolves around the life of  USA Olympian   Louis “Louie” Zamperini,  portrayed by Jack O’Connell.  Zamperini survived in a raft for 47 days after his bomber was downed in World War II, then was sent to a series of Japanese prison camps where he sustained unfathomable torture but showed a resilience I can’t even describe.. except to say I was in awe and in  tears often throughout the movie.  The icing on the cake is knowing Zamperini went on to marry his sweetheart, raise two children,  and even ran with the Olympic torch IN JAPAN at the age of 81.  He recently passed in July of 2014 at the age of 97.   


Back in the day, I used to think of Angelina as not much more than  a gorgeous but whacked young actress who was going to tip over the edge for certain one of these days.  Of course she has always been my husbands ultimate fantasy figure. 

In recent years, however,  I have a whole new respect for her. She has talent behind the cameras, as evidenced in producing and directing this movie.  She came to know this incredible man personally, and wanted to portray his  journey as authentically as possible.  I believe she did just that.   Angie also shows a generosity and soul so many other celebrities  do not possess.   And right here I admit.. way back when it was the -thing- I was Team Aniston all the way.    

 Only thing?..Sometimes I just want to throw her a cheeseburger, ya know? 

Shown below….. with the authentic Louie. 

 Bravo, Angelina Jolie, and Louie – I sure hope there is a reward at the end of this life.. if anyone deserves it, you most definitely deserve it.