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    I’m about to upchuck TR*MP nonsense, because it’s my party and I’ll do what I want to.   Bare with me and Bear with me, both apply. 

    This is where I ask any of you, if you are indeed a Tr*mp supporter… please, in the name of all things that are holy, sacred, sane, rational and within reason.   Tell me here, please.. tell me…. why you are willing to give that man the power of being the President. Of .The.United.States.of.America.    All I ask is that you don’t just say “I want something different.” or …you know, what we all feel… “f*ck the government”.  Because if you say that, and you vote for the wrongest candidate to ever hit the podiums just because  – f*ck the government –   and he actually wins… we’re all f*cked.  You included.

 And I gotta say this… from the very beginning when he came on the scene and I thought it was surely a joke (ha!)  …. I don’t believe he really wants the job!  Can you imagine The D*nald leaving the comfort and security of his ultra lavish home(s) to live in the paltry by comparison White House with all it’s high security and staff and demands and necessary regimens and you know, people that he’d actually have to answer to and work with and not just boss around? …. You think he actually wants to be so CONTAINED??…. Hell.. no.  No, I don’t think he ever really wanted the job.. but now with his cult following and that ginormous ego, he’s STUCK.  Unless he finds a save-face way out.  Like getting fed up with the GOP and going independent.  I wouldn’t put that past him, because I honestly don’t think he WANTS THE JOB.    

I was rude to a friends friend on Facebook yesterday.   My friend posted something..  and the gist of it was she doesn’t understand how any woman can vote for Trump… and this is what her friend upchucked, like a hairball, if you ask me.  There was more in her initial comment but this is the gist. 
She: I want something different. I’m going to take my chances on Trump. 

Here’s where I opened my big mouth:   MeSomehow, XXXX, I bet you don’t approve of racist pompous woman demeaning egotistical bigotry either. His own Mother said he would be a terrible President. He was certainly a horrible husband at least twice. For some reason some people are turning a blind eye to some really important facts.

She: Speaking of horrible husbands Bill was no angel ; Hillary has a law degree and plenty of connections…why didn’t she send the bum packing…she didn’t need him . She wants to be president yet she didn’t show much backbone…unless she just didn’t care what he did or with whom.I have not been impressed with her performance over the past decade.I’m willing to take a chance on Trump. I’m so sick of political correctness. I referred to someone as being Oriental and someone jumped all over me and said that’s now considered racist…well crap on that …like I meant any harm to some ASIAN I didn’t even know! And please tell me if I should say Black or Afro-American? At least I can get what Trump is saying and I like him be-cause he is genuine but that’s just me. By the way,Karen XXX XXXXX, it’s been nice talking with you. Want to be friends?

Me:  XXXX,  I’m not a Hillary fan either but she has shown more backbone in her lifetime than Trump, who thinks only of his bottom line. I’m not just saying it, you need only look at the facts. Something Trump supporters just don’t want to do. You sure are taking a chance on Trump, and as far as -getting what Trump is saying-? A kindergarten student can get what he’s saying, there’s not much substance to it. F political correctness- how about just common courtesy, how about diplomacy, not belittling women, people of other ethnicity and those with disabilities? You think he’s genuine?? Please- other than chirping some of the dissent we all feel, show me where he has proved to be something other than a genuine self serving self adoring prick? That includes his personal and professional life. It hasn’t been nice talking to you, XXXX , because I’m horrified that there are so many following that train wreck like sheep because they – want something different- I do too- but that ain’t it. That’s like hoping for an alligator instead of a gecko and getting Godzilla. I hope that’s a reference you can understand. Pardon the political incorrectness of insulting your intelligence, but then again, it’s something Trxmp does regularly, so you’re good with that, right?


 I’m guessing XXXX no longer wants to be my friend.  But seriously, folks.  I want to hear from you if you’re a TrXmp supporter.  Give me an intelligent answer, one that shows thought and reason and logic and FACTS, the real ones.  Not mine, not yours… real proof that that man comes within two continents distance of being what we all hope for as Presidential material to lead this great nation.  I’m all ears if you’re all heart and without malice.  Ready?  Go ….