Village People

 My grandmother did it, my Aunt Virginia did it,  my mother sort of does it, and my sister’s husband does it too (lucky her).  This year me and the kid did it and it didn’t turn out half bad.

Now if this idea came to your mind instantly as you saw the blog post….

well then you’re atleast as old as me.
Now go ahead,  knock these guys all you want..
but they knew how to entertain!
The Proof? ….
 I’m willing to bet you can sing along to more than one of their songs
and you’ve probably done the YMCA full body sign language more than once. 
Am I right or am I right? 
You at least tried it in the privacy of your own room, didn’t ya.
ANYWAY… that’s not what I’m posting about.
Snow Village, Department 56 in particular.
Here’s a peek at ours…

And if anyone knows where I might be able to find the
retired Village greenhouse, let me know.

14 thoughts on “Village People”

  1. Oh…Love those villages. I put one up for many years…and gave the bits and pieces to my daughters. oh yeah…I am doing the YMCA right here..right now. Hugs-Diana

  2. LOL – you're a funny girl!! LOVE your villages, thanks for sharing. I'm getting more in the spirit every day! 🙂

  3. I was going to do a post about how you shouldn't decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, but your waaay to into it. I don't have the nerve. Good for you.
    And the YMCA full body thing, I'm sure I have, but I bet ch liquor was involved. Great memory though.

  4. We have many of the Dickens Village pieces, but they are packed away in the shed. There just isn't enough room around here to display them!


  5. You are a funny girl! Ha, you've now inspired me to take out, or I should say, drag out the very large box that houses the Christmas village that my Mom gave me 6 years ago!! I think it's still way in the back of my closet!! She asks me every year, "Lynn, did you set up that village yet??"! This year, she'll be so happy…

  6. This may be the only time of year I'm glad I have a small house so I don't have to put out any little houses. 😉

    Of course I don't HAVE little houses, that could be helping me as well.

    I bet your house is looking fabulous though!

  7. Department 56 makes Christmas so fun. I've always especially loved the Diner.
    And YMCA? All out at the skating rink, if you must know.
    Junior High.
    Heaven help me.

  8. I'm a bit old for the Y boys although enjoyed the time on Nash Bridges when Joe directed traffic to the Y tune. That was funny. I also missed the Dept 56 craze; I decorate with greens, wreaths, creche's and dozens and dozens of candles. Hmmm, it appears, once again, I'm out of touch with what's going on in the world.

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