Wagon Wheel

 Now that the stonework is complete (Thank you Steven Seely, awesome work)  on the familyroom/loft fireplace, the wagonwheel chandelier has been installed. I think this is one of my favorite features in the house… funny that it brings out two completely different reactions…visitors either love it or they hate it.  

  Next is completion of the wood floors in both the family room and the loft/pool table area and then stain and  tung oil throughout the house.  Still aiming for a July 1st move-in date… it’s getting hairy.

This is the backside upstairs side of the fireplace, a bar will be to the left and couches and TV to right…
Pool table here…..
Mancave is now closed in, no more side entrance for bringing “stuff” in….
And these are my new washer and dryer.  The old ones were so old they have rust around the rim, I’m not kidding.  These are stackers and will go in the hallway laundry closet in the background of this pic.
My husband is the one who gets all excited about appliances… all I care about is that they work….and the absence of rust is always desirable.

11 thoughts on “Wagon Wheel”

  1. OMG look at that awesome unique light fixture. I love all the exposed beams. Love the stone fireplace and those gorgeous windows!

  2. Sure would hate to be the one to have to change a light bulb! The height might cause a nosebleed. Speaking of height… I'd never be able to get the clothes out of the dryer if they were stacked. Won't be long now!

  3. I love the wagonwheel chandelier too!! It adds character to the house. There really isn't anything I do NOT like about the house!! I had not realized how many posts I have missed along the way…so just went back and looked at all the "house" posts…it is AMAZING how far you guys have come!!! I'd be doing one heck of a "happy dance" too!! YAY for you!! This is so exciting! Just how long have you been looking at this place Karen?

  4. That chandelier is a perfect fit…love it! Wow, the stonework looks spectacular!! Tell Steve he does beautiful work!!

  5. KW, the metal looks to be just rusted out. I believe that's a stain they put on metal, and within days it appears to be rusted. It looks as if they started out silver.

  6. My husband would get all excited about the idea of having a pooltable. I will show him this post and we will both be sitting in front of the computer, sighing.
    Did I mention I just LOVE your house? 😉
    And that enormous window… just absolutely gorgeous!

  7. I'm with your husband about appliances!

    I can be smug in my washer and dryer. I think I have the same ones!

    But I am still lusting for those red knobs.

    You really make me want to move to a new house.

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