Water For Elephants

 I love a good book. One of my favorites this year has been Water For Elephants, and I’m looking forward to the movie, due out April 22nd.  The cast, in my readers opinion, is perfect to portray the main characters.  To read a New York Times Review of the book, click here….

 I’ve admitted before that this 45 year old woman is a Twilight fan. Robert Pattinson (Edward for Twi-hards) will play the lead roll  in the movie adaption and from what I can see in the trailer and photos – he’s perfect for the part.  He may be a nimwit in interviews  (dude, get your hands out of your hair)  but he’s actually quite good when the director shouts ACTION.  Talk about eye candy… in that british sort of way. 

21 thoughts on “Water For Elephants”

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. We'll make a point of seeing the movie. Wish I had time to read the book!
    Ladybug Creek

  2. I am 100 percent with you… amazing book and beyond excited for the movie. I hope the movie is every bit as good as the book, but with "Edward" in the lead how bad can it get?

  3. I read the book when it first came out and loved it. I did not know it was being made into a movie…I must have been dozing on Mars! Now I am excited to see it…and hope it is as good as the book! xxoo Diana

  4. I LOVED this book! The movie will be good. Reese Witherspoon doesn't seem to make a bad movie so I am not too worried. Edward? Well – you know how I feel about Edward! Pattinson – not so much. Although he looks pretty appealing in this role. Will be curious to see if he CAN act!

  5. I cannot wait to see this one! I have the book on my pile to read…if only I had enough time to read it before it hits the theatres!!

    Have a great day!


  6. I loved that book too and I so hope the movie is good…most of the time I am disappointed with movies made from books that I liked…I love that shot of the actor with the elephant:)

  7. I already had this on my list of movies to see in a theater this year. When the Oscars aired, I realized I hadn't been in a theater for over a year.

    As for the Twilight movies, not my cup of tea, but my cousin and three of her friends always go opening day. My cousin will be 60 in July!!!!

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