We Rise By Lifting Others


 Lately I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this quote – one of my favorites.  It’s something that’s totally lost on our current President….the supposed leader of the free world.  Ironic, this.. I remember accusations that Ob*ma was dividing us… if you thought he caused division in our nation, well.. what are you telling yourself now?

  Never thought I’d say this.. but the Orange Scream did himself a disservice by sitting down for an interview with F*x’s S*an Hann*ty. However,  for once SH did us all a favor, shed some light.     Interesting take by Robert Reich…

Last night on his Fox News show, S*an Hannity asked Tr*mp about the success of the U.S. economy in the first 9 months of Tr*mp’s presidency. Tr*mp’s reply:
“The country, we took it over in 20 trillion you know the last eight years they borrowed more than it did in the whole history of our country. So they borrowed more than $10 trillion. Right? And yet we picked up $5.2 trillion just in the stock market. Possibly picked up the whole thing in terms of the first nine months. In terms of value. So you can say in one sense, we are really increasing values and may be in a sense, we are reducing debt. We are very honored by it and very, very happy by what’s happening in Wall Street.”

Tr*mp is arguing that the national debt is being reduced because of the stock market gains.

That’s bonkers. There’s absolutely no connection between the stock market and the national debt. The stock market measures how much wealth is created or lost by large corporations and investors. The national debt is the debt owed by the federal government, which can be reduced only by raising taxes or reducing government spending.

**Tr*mp ran as a businessman who understands the economy. He’s a showman and a conman who appears to understand very little. 

   For those of us who believed he was here for the little guy, going to lift the lower and middle class…  I wonder how that sits with you so far.  His new tax plan is a big bonus for the wealthiest among us.  As the GOP would have you believe, it will trickle down eventually to you and I.  Haven’t we been there before, done that already?  Isn’t that what  they were railing against when they chanted Drain the Swamp?   It’s  the teacher down the road and the baker on Main Street and the mechanic at the garage and the mom and pop gas station owner, the family of four trying to hang on to their house or send their kids to a decent school or the single mom or dad raising kids alone who need the tax breaks. They ain’t getting it. 

  How about the treatment of Puerto Rico – talk about kicking folks when they’re down.   Or the NFL – way to inflame even more!

 Here’s a thought – With a nuclear war a feather tickle away with N. K*rea thanks to the Orange Scream’s inflammatory rhetoric,  Puerto Rico in ruins and we’re calling them lazy and telling them we can’t be there forever!  Wildfires out of control in CA, our healthcare system a bigger mess than ever, another mass shooting – the biggest in our history!, Russian investigations going who-knows-where, 45’s  ridiculous tweets slamming any and all and full of lie upon lie upon fabrication ( he’s twitter-feeding you his own fake news, people! Please call a spade a spade! ) ….  tell me…. how could he possibly believe he’s investing his time wisely by butting in to things like an NFL peaceful protest situation for what is definitely a just cause.  His over-inflated ego won’t allow him to shut up, it’s that simple.  He doesn’t have the class to restrain himself when it isn’t appropriate.   How about sending Pence and family to do his little side show of leaving the game after the anthem because players took a knee – at our expense!…  He’s running this country like a reality TV show and he’s spending millions upon millions of our money on golf weekends. Every. Weekend.   That’s so not cool.     I’m no snowflake, either.

     To so many of us, it appears he’s come undone… the Emperor is wearing no clothes.   And to yet others, well.. bravo! And such beautiful robes!

Go figure.

   So if  you’re also disheartened, whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, a liberal, a snowflake, a right wing nut or a clown in the circus – This is what we all can do if we want to be a part of positive change

  …… We Rise By Lifting Others..……

     Besides taking the time to investigate and vote in responsible, rational candidates with integrity we can rely on in upcoming elections no matter what side of the isle you reside on …  We can continue to look around for ways to volunteer in our communities.  Reach out when we might be  of service to someone in need of a little help.  Hold a door open , mow the elderly neighbors lawn or pick up the wet paper and place it at their door.  Let’s make a pie for the veteran who keeps to himself in the lonely house down the road. Donate stuff you’re not using to Goodwill…. visit a nursing home and bring donuts to the residents. Bring food, old blankets, towels or toys to the local animal shelter. Donate what’s comfortable to you, even $5 makes a dent – to worthy causes, there are so many.  Thank the people who provide services to you – the trash service, the waitress, your mail delivery person, the person in the McD*nalds drive through window. 

   …. speaking of which….. You know what I did recently?  It’s no big deal, I know this.. but boy did it turn my day around and make me feel good.   I grabbed fries and a water at a local drive-thru.  At the window stood a girl who has been working there for years – always with a smile.  I thanked her for always having a cheerful greeting for her customers and handed her $20.   Her eyes lit up and the size of her smile warmed my weary heart.  Then at the grocery store I bought sunflowers and  chocolates and brought them to my dad’s assisted living home.   I plopped them on the nurses station and I said thank you so much for the care you give these residents.

    If you’re still with me here and you have racist or homophobic tendencies… I think if you’re prejudice you know it… well, next time you’re in the vicinity or sharing space with a person of a different ethnicity or lifestyle, black, white, green red or yellow, Don’t shut yourself off.   Be polite – be kind, be open to a conversation. Pay a compliment, hold a door, pay their toll  or coffee if they’re behind you in a line.  Be open to the idea that they are indeed as deserving as you to be in this world, with similar struggles, similar hopes and dreams and fears and loves.  We aren’t all so different.  See how it feels to let go of old habits that serve no one.  You’ll feel better about you, I promise you.

  So who the hell do I think I am?   No one special, but I am definitely someone who wants better for all of us. We are capable of so much more than what we’re seeing right now.   We can be a light in these dark times.  Every drop of water creates the eventual ocean.  We’ve all seen what ripples do… We can rise about all this… one way is to lift ourselves by lifting others. 

Till soon, friends –