Weighing In

   Have you been watching M*chael C*hen’s testimony?  I did something I’ve been putting off for a year instead.  I cleaned my kitchen cabinets.  Not the dishes one or the bowls one or the glasses one. Those are easy… I’m talking the cooking spices and oils one, the junkdrawer-but-it’s-a-cabinet one, the other glasses one that turned into everything but the kitchen sink.   The baking supplies one…The coffee mugs and pods and filters one.   I got so giddy with all that –organization – that I then turned the corner into the pantry and attacked the medicine cabinet that is also the pets and livestock medicine cabinet.  My husband is Type A all the way, so for him, coming home to a kitchen and pantry full of neatness and ducks in a row is better than sex.  He was a happy camper last night for sure. 
   Meanwhile, I did tune in to the news now and then just to see if any bombs went off.  Nope… stuff we already knew…. it was just highlighted and underlined.   Although those who still support Tr$mp don’t really care, I know this.  
     Who would have ever believed that a man who cheats heavily on his taxes and refuses to divulge them, a man who has never lifted a finger to help the common man, a man who dodged the draft by having his wealthy father pay off a doctor to falsify his medical records, a man who has cheated again and again on wife number 1, 2 and 3… has four bankruptcies and many failed businesses and unpaid contractors and lawsuits under his belt,  a man who repeatedly lies day after day and this is proven time after time, a man who attacks anyone who does not bow to him or questions policy he’s driving, a man who’s MO is to divide this country, not unite it… would have a following, enough to get him elected, enough to continue to follow him, apparently right over a cliff.    It’s dumbfounding. 
     The G0P attacks C*hen as a liar, while they defend the Liar in Chief… The only Lie C*hen originally told was that Tr$mp did nothing wrong.  How’s that for irony.   It’s truly hypocrisy at it’s boldest.   At least to me, The G0P has destroyed it’s own credibility – First they laughed at the notion that he could win the nomination, calling him things we know he truly is… then they bowed to the King, now defending him because he is currently their only ticket on the train.  
     Meanwhile – during that testimony – the personalities of those doing the questioning came through loud and clear.  Some of the old regime, Dems and Reps alike,  sounded shrill and stupid and holier than thou.   The ones who came up with the most effective questioning were women, in particular the enthusiastic freshman so many like to attack, A0C.   It’s true, sometimes she comes off as the overzealous puppy at the dog pound, but she’s coming through slowly but surely with an honest evaluation of the clusterfuck we have now.   As I’ve said before, I don’t align with any one particular party, I want to hear what they all have to say and I want to believe in the good intentions and vote on the right path for the troubles of our time.   Views to the extreme in any one direction – right or left – won’t be effective or practical – that’s what I feel, anyway.  Some of her ideas are not realistic, and she may be the rookie, but she is genuine and in many cases spot on, and  it’s clear she isn’t bought by anyone. 
If you don’t agree with these words below and you were chanting “Drain the Swamp”… what swamp were you looking to drain? 
    In the end, I believe Mr. C*hen was telling the truth – he’s got nothing to gain now by speaking out.   He described the thug many of us already knew occupied those presidential suites, he underlined what was already written on the wall.   Many people who voted for him knew he was not stellar, but they wanted a big change, they wanted someone who wasn’t bought, not an old school politician. What they got was far worse, and I will continue to hope enough of them can’t in good conscience continue to abide the level of division and deceit in the web he’s been spinning since election.  I hope they see him for who he really is, and decide our country is worthy of something better.  I truly believe this Country we all love is in big trouble, and I pray We the People will  eventually, sooner rather than later,  right the ship. 
     Speaking of ships – my mother repeatedly reminds me that getting upset over all that we cannot control is not good for the fibromyalgia… lol… and I know it’s so!   This quote below…. truth that can be applied just about anywhere…. 
It’s a new day, all – let’s make it the best it can be.