We’re getting there….

 Lately every time I pull up to the house I find myself smiling.  After many years of admiring the place, five years of trying to acquire it, and then finally the past year and a half of work to bring it around to it’s glory days,  we will live there in just a few months.  There is a serenity in those fields,  I’ve always felt it…even as a passerby many years ago. Little did I know that I would one day call it “home”.

This old window came out of the old house, and will be used in the potting shed out by the garden.

 Raised panels going up in the office…

Giant flat rocks serve as stepping stones in the courtyard out to the main brick patio. I’m trying to come up with a perennial plant layout  along and inbetween these stones that will have something blooming at all times….any suggestions?  The courtyard will have shade much of the morning but sun for the rest of the day.

Pete put alot of time into cleaning up the backyard today. The excavator is parked on the area we plan to make a raised bed vegetable garden.  Great location, lots of sun, and not too far from the kitchen.

With my husband in Rhode Island tonight on business, my daughter away at school and my son on a school trip to Washington D.C.,… guess what I’m having for dinner?……..
I’m doing a happy dance 🙂

4 thoughts on “We’re getting there….”

  1. As much as I adore Hubby, it's sometimes nice when he's gone so I can eat a simple luscious meal. No meat and potatoes, just something really decadent.

    I had no idea you waited sooo long for your house. This must be heaven for you to be so close to moving time.

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  2. What time is dinner, count me in… no, wait, I'm stuck in the sinnin' corner, turning deeper shades of green. Karen, the house is even more beautiful than the last time I saw it.

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