What he said.


     I’m glad someone in Washington is willing to stand up for what’s right, regardless of party affiliation. We’ve all gotten so wrapped up in finger pointing at the Democrats, the liberals, the Snowflakes, the Republicans, the Conservatives, the Alt-rights… the assholes! (whomever you currently think that is)… but the real bottom line? The government, all of them.. are supposed to be working for US, no matter what category you think you fall under… we are all THE PEOPLE. Not the lobbyists, not their party pals, not their supporters only. The collective group of ALL OF US.

      The ACA needs to be fixed. FIX IT.. don’t keep throwing shit policy out there to see what sticks. FIX IT.. TOGETHER. Congrats to Senator McCain for calling a spade a spade. Perhaps more will follow in his footsteps and grow a conscience.  Sad reality – Why does it have to take a swan song for this to happen…