What Sunday looks like

Made with blueberries from the field…
  The secret to great looking Petunias?  Water.  Every. Single. Day.

 The bugs have been horrendous this year, so horses are wearing fly masks.

Farm stand re-opened… in the shade(!!)… with more produce.

Ben  doesn’t know what to make of those
 REALLY BIG DOGS that moved in yesterday.
Hope you’re having a great day too…
Thank you for stopping by, I alway love reading your comments 🙂

26 thoughts on “What Sunday looks like”

  1. I love Sunday at your place!
    I agree about the bugs. They are worse this year. I blame it on the very wet spring we had.

  2. Karen, what gorgeous pictures. Yummy fresh blueberries in the pancakes. Wish I had been at your house this morning. I have been watering my petunias daily almost and then a lot of the leaves are yellow. Mine don't look as healthy as yours. Your poor dog is so confused.

  3. love the new header. nice to see your horses have settled in quite nicely (even if your big pup doesn't know what they are yet…)

    glad you got the produce wagon back up and going! hope you're able to make some sales!

  4. Who's manning the veggie stand? Or is someone woman-ing it?

    Superb header photos! Digging that door knob.


  5. If it wasn't so dang hot out here, I would get fly masks, fly sheets, fly boots, etc for mine. It's 113 degrees heat index here. I don't dare block any heat escape on my ponies! We've got ticks, mosquitoes that are bigger than the Minnesota variety and flies. Face flies, horse flies, and the biggest dang fly this year that I've ever seen. Am I saying this? I want fall to come…

  6. Great pictures Karen! Love those horses! Congrats on getting the produce stand back up and running. It looks great!


  7. So glad you got to bring your horses home! It must be nice to look outside and see them grazing. Lovely lazy Sunday pics!

  8. Isn't it funny how so many people wonder if horses can see through their fly masks? I had a an email last spring that said I was cruel to put something on the horses that basically made them blind…um, yeah. Me. Cruel to my animals 🙁
    Oh, well. Such is bloggy life!
    I adore all of your horsey pics! made my evening!
    Are you doing the honor system with the produce stand? We have one near us like that. I go buy, pick out what I want, put my money in a can and leave! I have never met the farmer!!
    Have a great Monday with the kids 🙂
    xo, misha

  9. That's some great looking produce! I would definately shop your wagon if I could. Our kids and grandkids came for dinner and then we went out on the lake for awile. Much cooler at night and just relaxing to putz along and talk. My favorite thing…all my chicks under my wing!

  10. If those pancakes were potato pancakes i would have jumped through the computer screen. Great images. Richard from Amish Stories.

  11. Beautiful! I just breathe in deeply and bask in all the farm goodness that shines through your photos… mmmmm….

  12. Your photos are gorgeous! Hope the horses are settling in to their new barn!
    My petunias have petooted! I have watered dailyand pinched them back, but like previous years, they are straggly and pitiful!

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