When is enough, enough?

     I’m not anti-gun. We own guns. 

     I am for a government that is not bought by the NRA.  The NRA used to be an organization of integrity, concerned with safety issues.  Not so today, run by a wingnut who’s main concern is whipping everyone into a frenzy over their rights,  buying politicians to protect their sales, under the disguise of  protecting the Second Amendment.  No one is trying to take away your second amendment rights, to be clear.  Just adding common sense to the equation, really, that’s it

     I am for stricter gun laws, and many who agree with me are not looking to take your guns away if you are a responsible individual who passes a background check and are mentally sound.  

     Now, you might say mental health is the issue, not the gun. All the more reason to have more restrictions. There is no sound reason for a 19 year old with a disturbing digital history to be able to buy an assault rifle capable of killing many people quickly.  

   Trump blamed the tragedy on mental health, although he himself signed last year’s bill to relax vetting of mentally unstable gun purchasers. 

     So far in 2018, we have numerous school shootings in less than two months, 30 mass shootings all together. All conducted with the assault rifle. 

     That’s terrorism, the home grown variety. More restrictions won’t fix the whole problem, but it’s a step in the right direction. Doing nothing isn’t the answer. When is enough, enough? Do we have to wait for the bought politicians children to be massacred? Then will it matter enough?

     Drain the Swamp.