When Men Bake Cookies….

   We have not gotten the snow accumulation this storm was supposed to bring (thankfully) however we are now being pelted with sleet and there’s a coating of ice on anything and everything.  The next few days are supposed to be very cold, so all this sleet will contribute to the ice – no school yesterday and today…and I’m going a little stir-crazy, can ya tell?  Looking across the nation..and even over in Australia!…the weather has been frighteningly crazy for the past few years- as if the world is telling us something.

 I made these cookies for the Man when he comes home from yet another day of storm damage management….
Somehow I think it would have had more effect if I had made the batch up top …
Just sayin.

30 thoughts on “When Men Bake Cookies….”

  1. Yeah…and can you imagine the mess the guy left in the kitchen that would have made the first batch? lol I think they would be great to serve at a Bible study, don't you?;>) Sorry…couldn't resist!

    We have snow but no ice here and I am grateful for that! Stay warm and safe! Hugs-Diana

  2. Oh hey, I just realized you updated your Roba Dolce button. I like the new one a lot – it shows the brand better. I'll update it on my blog.

    PS – I'm waiting for the 2nd case to arrive before I post photos (we didn't get any of the first shipment).

  3. Hello from Siberia, Maine, I cracked up over the cookies. I have been saying that something weird
    is going on with the crazy weather. I do believe
    it's telling us something. I have dug out twice today just to open the door, and had 2 plows.
    Cabin fever has set in..


  4. I agree, its a crazy pattern and it does seem that the whole country is getting a Minnesota-like winter. I don't feel so alone, but its everywhere and there isn't much of an escape! Love the photos!

  5. LOL! Those are adorable! 🙂
    I too made chocolate chip cookies for the roof shoveler!
    I spent today shoveling out the dog pen of 5 storms worth of snow & ice.
    I know that spring will come, as it does every year.
    Spending the evening looking at seed catalogues.

  6. You crack me up! Those cookies are hilarious! And at first I thought you had made them for your hard working husband and I was thinking here was a woman that any man would love!

  7. Your pictures are GORGEOUS! Love the MAN cookies! Now they are somethin' special!! I think you are correct…your husband would have loved them!! But, he probably also loved the ones you made! I myself am still eating Roba Dolce and loving every single flavor!!

  8. I'd consider making the "naughty" cookies for my husband and his ironworker crew, but I'm afraid they wouldn't get any work done. 😉

    Sending some sunshine and warmer weather your way.

  9. WAY too cold for snow up here in Colorado. My kids have been out of school for two days – because we haven't hit an ambient temp warmer than -5 and the windchills have been down around -30. BRRRRR!!!

    Love your pics!

  10. Will have to store those heart shaped/upside down cookies in my brain for the next time I want a special favor from Hubby! The chocolate chip ones are everyone's favorite though. Hey Karen, you asked about the font… it's on the design tab of your Dashboard. Click Template (but you don't have to change the one you have) then Advanced and then scroll down on Page Font, it's called "Homemade Apple!" I am so ready for spring, I'm just going to pretend it's spring when I'm blogging!

  11. OMGosh, the man cookies made me laugh! Trying to think of an occasion where I could use them?? Actually, my nephews would love them but not sure if I want them to have them..lol…stay safe..stay warm if you can..

  12. Aren't those so so funny?
    I'm hopping over from Kat's to meet you….after reading about her delicious gelato post! YUM!
    What nice pics you have…and yes, the weather is nearly abominable???!!!
    I live in TX and yesterday morning, it was colder here than in New York, Boston or Atlanta! Weird!


  13. LOL about the gorgeous looking lingerie cookies.
    Although yours do have that scrumptious home made look and no doubt taste. Yummy. Love the pink hearts photo. This post and all your photos made me smile 😉

  14. Well, it's cold. I haven't been out in days, so I don't know about the roads. Your photos are gorgeous, by the way. Now please tell me about this gelato everyone is talking about. I think I managed to miss something whilst getting the toilets fixed (finally, just a bit ago) and having leaf blowers catch fire.

  15. Those cookies at the top are hilarious! We are in Ohio, and have been very grateful for those who venture out and clean up the mess of these storms so we can continue to function. Lots of power outages here, folks are being patient, and the electric co is working like mad. Street plows and salt trucks too.

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