Where do we go from here

    If you’re not living under a rock here in the US, you know what just happened down South.  Brief recap in case you really didn’t see it… Some assh*le plowed into a crowd of protesters standing up to  a wh*te supremac*st hate group at their rally.  That assh*le was another holier-than-thou wh*te supremac*st  who apparently had nothing better to do than to kill one truly decent human being and maim at least 7 others critically. 
     Sadly, but expectedly (and that’s even worse), our commander in chief  blamed “all sides” for this violence, and made sure no one could blame him, adding “this isn’t because of Obama or Trump”..  ( LOL, really, dude?)  But…. but… and here’s the important part… he did not denounce, until two days later after he was called out on it by many sources… the haters who actually committed the violence and murder.  He did not name them until today.  He tried to peg it on violence from “all sides”  Why?  Because he knows they are part of his base supporters.  Kinda like Russ*a.  And ain’t that a scary, scary deal.
      Regardless – Why so much hate among those people?  They weren’t born with it. Perhaps they were raised with it, I don’t know.  What I do know is each and every one of us bares some responsibility to help right that ship. It might take ten thousand days and ten thousand ways… but each of us can do something, somehow, somewhere… to say we are not those people. We will not tolerate intolerance.  
      If you are reading this and you have racist tendencies, stop the nonsense.  If you’re religious and a racist.. LOL.. well, there’s a bit of irony, huh?  not sure how you rationalize the hypocracy in your own mind.    We are the sum of our actions, not the sum of the pigment in our skin, the origin of our ancestors. The history of the white man is not really something to be proud of – we enslaved people, took them away from their own culture and literally enslaved them to do our dirty work.  We slaughtered the people who were here before us so that we could take the land they were living on. Hell, slaves built our President’s home!  (you know.. the dump.. according to 45).  And.. how can anyone.. anywhere.. knowing the horrors what were N@zi, Germ*ny…. idolize such a thing.    So unbelievable and yet very very real – that in this day and age, we’re still dealing with this ignorance. 
    If we were living in the days of slav*ry, if we were living in N@zi Germ@ny,  what would you have done then?    What are you doing now…. 
    Lately, it feels like we’re being assaulted in so many ways… and this ain’t no snowflake complaining here.  What are YOU doing to combat what’s being thrown at us from all angles?    We’re not getting reinforcement from the top, hell no.  So I guess it starts with all of us.. .at the bottom and up through the middle … let’s do this… let’s be the light in these dark times… Any suggestions?  I’d love to hear your words, your ideas on positive action, positive change.