Where will we go from here

I’ve had some interesting conversations with some of my republican friends, and I’m encouraged that we all seem to have the same concerns. To be clear, I am politically unaffiliated and some feel that’s a cop out. For me it feels like the most honest thing I can do, because I see merit in policy on both sides of the proverbial aisle. Extremism on both sides of the spectrum aren’t sustainable or fair and it will be the downfall of our democracy if we can’t get our collective heads out of our asses. I also feel large corporations are mostly running this country, not the talking heads we elect to the top office chair, although they do have the power to inflict some real damage, as has been evident for some time. I’m paying attention, but I don’t have all the answers, I can only vote, and shake my head. But I’m not even happy with my vote options, although I’ll do it begrudgingly because right now I do feel there’s one choice much worse than the other.

Reading today’s headlines, I’ll say this…. I give Johnson credit this morning for bucking the extremist MAGA cult, knowing it might lose him his job. Paul Ryan, John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy hit the same wall. I hope more of them grow some balls and come back to a reality that is better for the health of this country. And I hope republican voters find a saner middle ground candidate.

Meanwhile… although I don’t fall for the bullshit depicting Biden as corrupt, senile, blah blah blah… it’s actually painful to watch him navigate his too old journey into what could be another four years, hard to imagine it, truthfully. While Trump becomes more nuts and corrupt and divisive with each passing moment. He’ll throw anything and anyone under the bus for his own gain or defense, and.. it’s always about him.

Voters keep seeing only what they want to see along the full political spectrum, many out of touch with what’s actually truth and what’s actually going to benefit them. We’re not collectively fighting for all of our rights, just the ones we hold dear. That’s not what this country was founded on.

Together we stand, divided we fall. Period. It’s that simple. That’s it. We deserve better, we need better. We had all better come up with… better, or this country won’t survive it in any way we would approve.

And for those looking forward to or encouraging a civil war, wake the fuck up, because I don’t know how history hasn’t taught you the most powerful and simple and truthful lesson of them all….. you could lose every single person and thing and value you hold dear, including your own life, but especially those of your loved ones. Be careful what you wish for. No one wins a war, ever. There is always always tremendous loss. For everyone.


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