Who deserves a place at the table


  I know it… didn’t I just say I was putting down the negative “stuff” and leaving it to sit on the side of the curb in order to lead a more stress-free life?  I’m gonna do that, truly I am.  I’m already doing it much better than I was, at least.  Sorta.  
  But this article written by an essayist for The New Yorker?  … this was so spot on, I want to share it everywhere I can.  You know that little issue S*rah S*nders had while dining out at a restaurant recently? Well, as is typical in today’s political climate.. you’re either cheering the restaurant folks on, or you’re saying they should be ashamed.  Personally I’m buying a gift certificate online  to their restaurant all those miles away.   
   Of course, if you’re saying they should be ashamed… I hope you said the same for the Baker who wouldn’t sell a cake to a gay couple.  And the Supreme Court for ruling that’s OK.  And to the folks who turned Joe Biden away because they just don’t believe in the same things he does.    The list goes ON… 
   Normally my reaction to this story would be, WOW, just because you don’t agree on a political level doesn’t give you permission to turn that person away at your place of business.   Actually you can do whatever you choose in your own space but it’s gonna have consequences.  Talk about prejudice… and aren’t we better than that?  
 However.. in this particular situation…  I applaud it.  There’s just so much turning the other cheek I can tolerate. This administration flies int he face of any civility, rationale, decency. So I just can’t find it in me to feel badly when they reap what they sow.    
And here’s why…. 
“someone who has decided to make it her public role to extend, with a blizzard of falsehoods, the words of a pathological liar, and to support, with pretended piety, the acts of a public person of unparalleled personal cruelty—well, that person has asked us in advance to exclude her from our common meal. You cannot spit in the plates and then demand your dinner. The best way to receive civility at night is to not assault it all day long. It’s the simple wisdom of the table.”-Adam Gopnik
 If you’re interested… the complete article HERE.  .   

   Enough Said.