Woodbury, CT

  I’m not supposed to be sitting at my computer today.  No.. I was supposed to be at a Boston College basketball game taking photos of our Roba Dolce girl, Shayna shooting hoops at half time. For every basket she made in today, $50. is donated to Special Olympics. (she went 15 for 17 from the foul line – You Go Girl!)   I’m not there today because I’m allergic to my house! Actually, the dust mites in it.  My eyes look like Evander Holyfield and I went two rounds (as if I’d last two seconds!).  I spared the good people of Boston from the site of me today.

  Instead, Mike took pity on me and we went for a ride in the rain to the town of Woodbury, a main stop on the New England antiques trail.   We had lunch at the Curtis House, Connecticuts oldest Inn, dated before 1735. 

Him:   Want to wear my sunglasses in the restaurant?
Me:    Do I look THAT BAD??
Him:   Oh.. well, I’m just saying ..you know… if you WANT to… um, just..sayin.

I don’t know, what’s worse – looking all allergy-eyed or like Michael Jackson in a dark restaurant on a rainy day.  I went without the  MJ look.  Maybe I should have tried it.

The town of Woodbury has a church on every corner and the architecture is stunning everywhere you look…


This house is abandoned.  Can you imagine?  I see an artisans commune, don’t you?

Love this truck.   
Since I braved the restaurant with my Rocky Marciano eyes, I decided it was
OK to venture in to Main Street Antiques and scare the good folks of that establishment too.
They have a greenhouse with a Koi pond as well as antique garden decor.
The earthy moist smell was heavenly.

    Old quilts have always been a favorite of mine. I’ve been looking for one that doesn’t cost a fortune for years, and today I finally found it!… $60. and it looks to be authentically hand-stiched, still sturdy enough to
take the wear and tear of the family room.


27 thoughts on “Woodbury, CT”

  1. What a beautiful old quilt, Karen. I love old quilts too! I am so sorry that you are allergic to dust mites. There are a lot of people that have those reactions and don't even really know what the problem is. I hope you can take something that helps you..otherwise how will you stand to live there? Sounds like you had a nice day…Raccoon eyes and all!;>) xxoo Diana

  2. Hi Karen I live about an 1 1/2 away from Woodbury and never knew about the antiques trail. Going to have to check it out!! Gorgeous pictures you should frame a few! Martina

  3. Beautiful pictures!! I'm glad you were able to go shopping. The quilt looks like a GREAT find!

    Have a great day. I hope you feel better soon.


  4. Looks like you had a really pleasant day despite the old eye thingie you had going on.

    Can't beat an old quilt. Love the one you found and I'm sure it will see some good use since it's been a rainy, cold week.


  5. Evander Holyfield? Wow. Sorry for you, I am. Please feel free to express yourself and your opinion at anytime. I'm sorry if I have ever said anything to make you think that I might get angry or upset if we didn't agree on any topic.

  6. So sorry about your allergies..what can you do to prevent the symptoms?
    Gorgeous pictures and a great buy on that colorful quilt!

  7. We would be a pair right now…I have some kind of swelling of my lips! lol I look like I've had injections in them! Really love all of your photos tonight..especially the swirly iron work! And could you please go back and get me a quilt, too! I have one on my wish list but it's hard to find one for that price and yours is perfect! Enjoy your night…it still looks COLD at your house! ♥

  8. What gorgeous pictures! The restaurant with the beams reminded me of your house a bit! Hope your eyes are better soon. My hubby uses the allergy eye drops and really likes them!

  9. I think the bright eyed, bushy tailed look is highly overrated. But since my eyes are itching and watering and my nose leaks snot in all colours it comes in, and I've almost lost my voice, I would say that 😉 You took some great photos even though you were all blurry eyed. You have a wonderful photographic eye for detail and atmosphere.
    Love the quilt.

    Hope you find a way to fight the dust mites and/or the allergy.

  10. Karen, I love these photos. They are wonderful. I want to visit Connecticut some day. Sorry about your eyes. I have had pink eye in both eyes before and surely didn't leave the house. Thanks for sharing your day out.

  11. As always…lovely photos. Very much I've enjoyed my visit today. BTW, Visine makes eye drops for people suffering from allergies. It's fabulous stuff, perhaps it would help you…?

  12. I'm sorry about your allergies; that stinks.

    YAY for Shayna and Special Olympics!!! Love that.

    Great photo's. I have a quilt that was made by my great great grandmother in the early l800's. It's rather tatty but I love to get it out and look at it. 🙂

  13. So sorry about your allergies….both of my daughters married men with allergies and they suffer when they come to my house…I always recommend Clariten before they come for the day…have you tried it?

    Woodbury is probably about 2 hours away from us and will make a nice weekend trip someday…thanks for the suggestion:)

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