27 thoughts on “Wordless”

  1. Your peonies are blooming already?! Nice pix Kar! I have ALOT of questions for Tim after my pic taking experience yesterday!

  2. No words necessary. You are so ahead of us………..your garden, flowers, everything.
    They are beautiful though, gives me hope that it's gotta come our way.

  3. Hi Karen,

    The new pictures look great. Keep up the good work! I'll try to answer all of Joey's questions when we meet next. Have a good week of picture taking.


  4. Gorgeous photograph, as always! I'm sure it helps that you have wonderful things to photograph, too. Those soulful eyes are amazing!

  5. WOW I'm breathless! These pics are wonderful! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the last one…Ben…he's so handsome and got personality!!! P.S. I'm following this paleo diet now and would totally love all your veggies. I do hope you do a veggie stand!

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