
Many of the friends we showed with last weekend
are out in Oklahoma City for a big Quarter Horse Show
 with their horses right now…
last I heard they were accounted for in shelters, unable to leave
because of power outages and flash flooding.
In the news this morning I have not read reports of horse
or mass people casualties, hoping my Quarter Horse friends are safe,
and their horses too.  I guess soon enough they’ll find out the status
of their trailers and trucks as well.
To all you prayer warriors out there, send a few out to Oklahoma today, will you? 

12 thoughts on “Worry”

  1. Seems I never stop praying for folks in harms way. The world needs to wake up about environmental changes,
    global warming or plain old evolutionary does not matter…things are getting rough far more often.

  2. Have been praying hard for your friends to be safe and all who have suffered. Sad times. We have to focus on those in harms way.


  3. My nephew spent some time in a storm shelter and did okay. Hope your QH friends are okay, too.

    You know you can count on me for prayers!

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