You Can’t Make This Sh*T Up

   Is your head spinning yet?  ‘Cause whether you support the Orange Scream or you’re like me, saying or thinking a whole lot of WTF’s….  Seriously… WTF… this stuff has to tax your common sense thinking  just a little.   Besides N. Korea tantrums which could be pretty f-ing serious, Russia.. the state of our Health Care system…  The trans ban- I’m not sure what to say about that.  It just feels real discriminatory and unfair to me.  A 45 supporting friend said to me – the military shouldn’t pay for their gender operations!  Apparently 8 million dollars has been spent on that subject.  $78 mill has been spent on Viagra and Cialis for their erectile dysfunction.  Let that sink in.   
   This past week alone, just tip of iceberg stuff here –  we’ve got one atrocious speech in front of the Boy Scouts of America… another atrocious speech suggesting more police brutality is in order, shall we even bother with the appointment of Scaramucci?  He’s so slick I’m surprised his suit stays on him. Maybe that’s why the knots so tight.. to hold it in place/  Jeez in his first week in position he suggested Sarah Huckabee needed help with her makeup and hair – what an absolute ass.   He’s such a turd his wife of three years  just filed for divorce.. apparently very unhappy about his dance with the new White House.  I can’t say that I blame her and  I wish her  the very very best.  Smart woman. 
 If foul language offends you, don’t glance below. But if you’re a 45 supporter, I guess this doesn’t bother you at all….. 

UPDATE:   He’s OUTTA THERE!  That has to be a record.

 I have some happy news to share, but I’m not polluting it in this post.. more later.