You know you’re getting older when…..

…you tweeze your eyebrows in the car mirror parked outside
because the light is much better and you can actually SEE
all the little hairs you are missing.
Just sayin.

20 thoughts on “You know you’re getting older when…..”

  1. I used to sit in my car and do that before work. Never failed, I would look in the mirror to check lipstick and there they were! I always parked facing east and my parking was on top of a building downtown so it was perfect.

  2. So true,, I have one up on you, I take my razor to the car and find the
    little hairs I miss on my legs…haha
    Poor eyes!!
    Good Post

  3. Well, do I have some good news for you. Once you become a certain age, they stop growing! Well, in my case.

    One time Patti said "Mom, you need to stop plucking your eyebrows so thin." "Patti, I only have ONE to pluck." I do have eyebrows still but just one that grows. 🙂

    So suck it up, Chief, you're doing fine, and I know your age; just a baby. 🙂

  4. LOVE my 10x mirror. It suctions right onto the bathroom mirror. It's the hairs on the chin that so many 'older' women mention that I would hate to miss : )

  5. i just laughed out loud….as i have been there done that….and in the house i have to use a 10x magnifying mirror or else i can't see a thing 🙁

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