Your two cents

 I’ve been following the Jodi Ar*as trial, curious to see what justice might be served for such a heinous crime.  We’re all too familiar with the recent Cas*y Anth*ny disaster. I wasn’t a regular trial watcher, but I was shocked at the outcome, that’s for sure.   There’s no doubt in recent years my faith in our government as well as our judicial system has tattered and frayed and I know I’m not alone.  It’s true we have one of the most civilized judicial systems in the world, however it’s also flawed. One issue? Proven criminals have too many rights.  Why is this woman, who admittedly obliterated a person hideously, granted permission to twitter from jail, to sell merchandise, to author a book, to give interviews with the media (and receive the hair and makeup assistance she requested).

  So here’s the question I pose to you.  Do you believe in the death penalty?  Jodi is awaiting the verdict on whether she will get life in prison or death. If she gets life, there is the possibility with good behavior she could walk in 20 years.   There’s no doubt she killed her ex boyfriend, horribly so.  If you have no knowledge of the case, she slashed his throat, stabbed him 29 times all over, and shot him in the face. After having sex with him, while he was naked and defenseless in the shower.    Yeah.       She claimed he was always abusive and physically attacked her.  There is no evidence to suggest this, EVER, in his life, or in her history with him. This includes her own journal entries and e-mails, texts to him, etc. etc.  and accounts from his and her friends.  There is PLENTY of evidence that she was a deranged stalker.   Now.. the jury did convict her (Amen) and they concluded the murder was an act of particular cruelty as well. Their final decision is whether or not she dies for her crime.   Do you think she deserves it?    I do.   

    First she asked for the death penalty, because she feels death is the ultimate freedom and she doesn’t want to spend her life in a prison. Those were her words.  (It’s all about her)  Then she changed her mind and is now asking for Mercy, if only to spare her family more pain.  Mercy she did not show her ex boyfriend.  She has not apologized or said she is sorry to the family of her ex.  She won’t even look at them in court.  She continues to grant interviews and continues to trash her victims character to explain her heinous act, even thought there is no one on the face of the earth to cooberate her  information. Just her lies. and she has been caught in hundreds of lies.   She wants her life spared so she can start a book club… start a recycling program at the prison, teach literacy and sign language to other inmates, donate her hair to locks of love.

    Does she deserve to live this life of purpose after what she’s done?  I think Travis would have given anything to have those opportunities.  His chances ended at the age of 30, thanks to her.   No, I don’t think she should be granted this gift of “purpose”.  And I don’t think  “the people”  should have to foot the bill for her existence while incarcerated for Lord knows how long.  Even if she gets the death penalty, she will be on death row for possibly 20 years, is that CRAZY?  There are women on Death Row who were convicted in 1989!  I understand giving her time for an appeal since this is serious stuff… but all those years?  What’s the point then?..

   In cases as horrible as this one, I do believe in the death penalty, but I understand there are many who feel that a life for a life is never justified under any circumstances.   I’d be curious to know what you feel the appropriate punishment would be then.   The question today is, is there a member of that jury who will feel the same.

19 thoughts on “Your two cents”

  1. I am willing to dive in here. First, Death Penalty in AZ is the law of the land. Does not matter if I like it or not. It is the law. The jurors will decide.

    That being said – it might serve the world in general if she spent every day of the rest of her life in a cell if they can't bring themselves to put her to death. Any money she makes goes to Travis' family.

    It will be years if she gets the death penalty because of the appeals….and probably because of crazy things that went on during the trial. Some court may still overturn the verdict.

    She will disappear from public view just like Casey A – Jodi A thrives on being in the public eye….we all need to forget her.

    My personal opinion? The death penalty was put in law just for cases like this.

  2. K I'm old school I have never understood why we allow murders , rapist , to get life in prison and we as tax payers are paying for them to eat and watch tv while the families of the victims suffer for life ! I'm sorry if I'm sounding harsh but if it was like the old days where if you kill you will be killed in the spot not waiting 5 years on death row which is another waste of our money some of these people would think twice !
    As far as this case goes she doesn't deserve to be standing in front of the tv screen ! That's another thing the crazy people like the Boston bomber the media is giving these nuts there 15 min of sick fame we should even put there names our No fame at all ! Have a wonderful day k

  3. The law does seem to favor the criminal and not the victim. I don't understand this. I personally believe that death is the only way a person can pay for taking one. I mean a criminal act not an accident or in defense of ones self. The evil she committed is such the kind of act that should be punishable by death. If she does get death, her death will be more civilized than the one she inflicted that's for sure.

  4. Any $ made should go to the victim's family and to pay for her incarceration. She should not get a penny. If she does not receive the death penalty, she should be placed in a cell, in solitary. No one should have to put up with her nonsense.

  5. my 2 cents is I believe in the death penalty, however the pope does not
    however Jesus said obey the law of the land and we have the death penalty

    we have too many unlawful, no moral's people in our high offices

  6. I've often wondered how my views might be swayed if I were part of a jury? I competed in Debate in high school- and grew adept at arguing for things I didn't agree with. And the oddest thing would happen- I'd usually have to agree, there were valid points to both sides of the issue…

    Not sure where I would end up on this one?

  7. Not using the death penalty makes the entire nation victims – misusing tax revenue to support convicted and condemned criminals.

    Perhaps if the death penalty was used promptly there would be a sense of safety for all of us and it would be a deterrent to criminal behavior.

    Too many times innocent people have suffered at the hands of those not worthy of being allowed in society.

    J.A.'s actions prove she deserves the same fate as her victim-there is no remorse and she doesn't deserve the nation's condolences or support.

  8. If prisoners were treated as the criminals they are, and forced be in actual prison, instead of having more rights than the average citizen, there might not be so many criminals in the first place. No TV, no amenities, HARD LABOR, real punishment, not a country club atmosphere. Also, if the punishment fit the crime… eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, LIFE FOR A LIFE, that might be an actual deterrent to crime. I say, put her in a room with Travis' family and let them do to her, what she did to Travis. Sure would save a lot of money and it might bring his family some closure that REAL JUSTICE was served.

  9. I am an old lady(68),retired(Jan.2012)and bawling my eyes out after watching yesterday as ja addressed the jury to ask for the right to live after what she did.
    And then she held up a shirt she has designed and intends to sell from a jail cell to futher the cause for abused women.It was a simple white t-shirt with the word SURVIVOR across the front.It was but one more final slam at TA in his grave and to his family sitting there in front of her, forced to listen to her justify her actions and for being a survivor for doing so. My heart broke into pieces.

    AT that point,I could have filled the syringe and injected her myself—which goes against everything I was raised to believe in. But there must come a point in time when we say "NO MORE" and for me,that time came yesterday.

  10. Difficult decision to make. If you're a person of faith you cannot put another person to death.

    If you choose to ignore your faith, and let your emotions guide you… well you know where this will take you.

    If you examine facts and facts alone then it should be a clear choice.

    I can't provide a yea or nea as I'm not familiar with the case.

  11. Hate to say it, used to be, but am no longer a proponent of the death penalty . (period) A, I just find it hard to sanction "The State's" right to put one to death. B, and more practical is the fact that the criminal justice system is flawed. While you may be certain in this case, what about those you are not so certain about???

    I once saw (in a criminal defense attorney's office) a sign — 'It is better that 10,000 guilty people go free, than one innocent person be convicted' . .

    Have to say I agree . . . . .

  12. Well, Joe.. I appreciate your contribution to the conversation and I understand the reluctance to agree that The State has a right to put someone to death. This case was pretty clear, did you follow it? I don't think you would have any doubts as to this womans guilt and the heinousness of her crime if you did. If there is uncertainty, there should not be a death order. Tell me, though, Joe.. do you feel comfortable footing the bill for a person who commits a horrible crime for their natural life? and, would you also feel comfortable letting 10,000 murderers loose in your neighborhood to save the life of that one who might possibly have been wrongly convicted? It's very difficult to CONVICT someone nowadays, clearly! So I have a hard time believing there are many TRULY innocent people in prison.

    Just my take on your comment, but again I appreciate your contribution to the discussion.

  13. Yes, I believe in the death penalty and hope Dr. Kermit Gosnell gets it for his heinous crimes against the unborn children he killed and the born children he murdered.

  14. I have followed this case via your posts Karen and while I live over in Australia and we don't have the death penalty I feel we should.I cant believe what this murderer is getting how bad for Travis family.I say Kill her-love dee x

  15. Hi Karen,

    I'm happy to voice my opinion on this subject. I don't understand how the jury can be hung on making a decision after hearing and seeing all the evidence, not to mention her own confession of violently killing her boyfriend. What's the question here anyway???

    Yes, I believe in the death penalty for two reasons. 1 – If people paid the price for the crimes they committed the number of violent crimes would reduce. 2 – Look at the amount of tax payer dollars that are spent taking care of these creeps. They get free education, cable, fitness equipment, sex change operations. I watched a documentary on this very subject and a male prisoner requested and received hormone injections to grow breasts. There he sat in jail playing cards bare chested and was bragging and laughing on camera about how good he had it. Absolutely disgusting.

    I thought that if you were proven guilty of a crime that you lost your civil rights. Nothing could be further from the truth. It seems criminals have far more rights than hard working, law abiding citizens.

  16. I am pro-life but I support capitol punishment in some cases. The unborn is innocent and defenseless, but a person who has committed murder has "chosen" to do something which they know may result in the death sentence. They are NOT innocent and defenseless. This sociopathic woman surely fits this, so I would support the death penalty in this case. It will be interesting to see what sentence she gets!

  17. I think the State should spare us the expense of keeping such an evil person alive. She deserves DEATH, and should get it!

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