
 Blogger Hilary of Crazy as a Loom is what I call a real “Do-er”.   Generous heart, energized spirit, always in motion, creating, caring, DOING.  Ever in need of having something in her hands to work on, she introduced her readers to an art form she has just picked up as a way to wind down and relax, take her mind out of the moment, and I thought I’d give it a go.  Her post about it  HERE

What IS Zentangle? (I had no idea)

 “The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Almost
anyone can use it to create beautiful images. It increases focus and
creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense
of personal well being. The Zentangle Method is enjoyed all over this
world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages.”

The best part is.. you don’t need many tools to do this.  I bought a watercolor pad and Pigment liner pens at Staples for less than $30.

Some Examples found on the WWW.  These are clearly some very talented artists…

You don’t have to be quite so talented to create your own art
and reap the benefits of this relaxation exercise –
simple shapes placed  ramdonly, as shown below – with rules or boundaries
just do it and see what you put together.


My first attempt below… I prefer to work with an outline of something..

Ben Zen