
Oh, come on now…
…have I really only inspired ONE of you to send me a
fridge pic?
I was kinda hoping to see the messy ones,
the empty ones,
the anal ones,
whatever ya got!
I guess it really IS sorta like being naked  🙂

If you’re a health nut and have some tips, share them.
If you want to make some changes, tell us about them.
If you’re already making dietary changes, big or small,
let us know about them by including them with your pic.

Let’s inspire each other here….I think it’s important.


I’m giving you one more day here…
someone.. anyone!… won’t you join my one other brave soul?

20 thoughts on “Over-exposed?”

  1. I thought about you earlier this morning, as I opened the fridge to get the coffee creamer. In that weak moment, I decided to take you up on your challenge. It's not pretty, but it's coming your way.

  2. Well, my kids just cleaned my fridge in their frenzy on Sunday!!!
    And it is a bit embarrassing because my fridge is like a split personality.
    HE eats meat. I don't. He eats a lot of stuff that I wouldn't touch.
    I have tried, with some success, to introduce more good stuff, but he is pretty set in his ways.
    There is always almond milk in there….always lots of veggies, and always salad fixin's.
    I think the reason that my years of stomach ailments are behind me is that I gave up meat a few years back…….and honestly, I don't miss it one tiny bit. Amazing to me now.

  3. Another time, although my fridge is usually boring. Just returned from traveling and haven't restocked, it's down to the barebones – jars of stuff that last forever. Now my pantry is another totally messy story…

  4. I took pics to send to you yesterday, but it was cloudy and non of them turned out! My fridge is full of boring stuff like gluten free, organic, free range, blah blah blah. Though I did notice in one blurry shot that I had lots of wine and beer on the door and that my ketchup bottle lid was a mess! 😉

    Kat 🙂

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