B is for bargains, barns and blueberries

 The barstools  we originally bought for the kitchen island at This Old House were nice looking, but not comfortable.  The Man of the house wanted something more substantial.   Sooo…I went to my favorite vintage bargain shop last week (Gather in Ivoryton) and found two treasures for a real deal.   The first was this set of kitchen island chairs… $80. a piece!…and one was $60 because the seat had a scratch! …… as opposed to $265. for others I had seen online almost everywhere else.

PS – the kitchen is a mess because I just finished putting together a Shephards Pie for dinner… in 90 degree summer heat. What was I thinking?  I wasn’t.

 Then….I spied out of the corner of my eye…this awesome chicken pillow, complete with chicken feather border! Edge? You know what I mean.

 I think these are guinea hen feathers, to be honest.

The barn is near completion.. horses moving home in a week or two…

 Rubber matted stalls, dividers and doors not yet in…

Mini tack room and grain bin (thanks Jeff!)

You know, when we planned to move here… the GOAL was….
to SIMPLIFY.  To NOT create so much work on this new old farm.
 Somewhere along the way…
 we forgot.
I have to go out there tonight when the sun is more forgiving and pick peas…
care to join me?  My Acid Reflux is acting up, I’ll warn you right now, I’m a bear.
But look at these blueberries….
They’re worth the
 cursing for hours at each other trying to put up netting and throwing your back out
The girls are not impressed.
Typical teenagers.

38 thoughts on “B is for bargains, barns and blueberries”

  1. you're too cute. the chicken pillow is definitely unique! gotta love finding good deals too! i'd be happy to pick peas and blueberries with you!

  2. 1. The chairs look great.
    2. Your kitchen is a mess?
    3. Love the pillow — so would my cats.
    4. The barn looks awesome! Whatcha gonna do with all of those huge rocks?
    5. Are you sure those are blueberries? Do you live next to a nuclear power plant?

  3. Perfect chairs and love a baw-gin! I had big bar chairs and when we moved here they took up too much space so I got stools and they work great. I think it's funny how we all go back and forth, around the barn is what mom used to call it! Speaking of barn, Cadillac with those cuzy mats, uptown! I buy blueberries every week and squeal with delight when they look like the ones you are growing…jealous!

  4. Messy kitchen! Holy moly, you should have seen the mess in the neighbor's kitchen for the 4th. Crappola… glad it wasn't mine! B'Gawk!!


  5. This post made me laugh, except for your horses coming home, that must be SO nice. Those blueberries are enormous and I totally identify with the acid reflux whenever I bend over. I am the Tums queen!

    Clean that kitchen girl!


  6. I am sure you read my scathing blog post about Prilosec………but I do suggest an occasional Zantac.
    But the best best best thing is to drink a TON of water…….it literally "waters" down the acid…..and chew gum…..lots of gum……it makes your saliva alkali, and neutralizes the acid in your stomach…..I chew it after every meal.
    And one more thing……..raise the head of your bed……..I started out with 8" but it was tough to stay in the bed….LOL…….and I eventually dropped it down……to 6" …or maybe 4'…..but anything will help……do these things, and I swear, you will get relief….I very seldom take antacids…….and I don't take anything else.

  7. Life on a farm. So bucolic it almost makes me want to move from the beach. Seriously, if I could just have your house and those fabulous chickens. That pillow is a treasure!

  8. It takes a whole lot to impress a bunch of squawking teenagers! If I were you I would NOT let them see that pillow..it will frighten the chicken poop right out of them…unless, of course, you want to use it as a warning in a disciplinary manner.

    Your horse barn is looking wonderful..lucky horses!

    Love your kitchen stools…we bought some made by the Amish (with no backs on them) because MyHero liked the way they cupped his butt! What? Uh-huh…that is exactly what he said—-I like yours much better~;>) xo Diana

  9. I love your kitchen Karen and if that's what you call a mess, you haven't seen a messy kitchen.

    Your home is beautiful and it makes me miss the northeast and how home are decorated. We have some early American pieces that would look right at home. Perhaps because they came from your part of the world.

    BTY, that's a fine horse barn.

  10. THREE things…
    1. LOVE the pillow!

    2. Our chickens look as if they are about the same age.

    3. IF that kitchen is a wreck or mess…whatever you called it…I don't want you to EVER see my kitchen!

    xo, Cheryl

  11. Yes! I would join you! Me and my acid reflux would just feel right at home. Love coming here to visit 🙂 That pillow is the coolest ever.

  12. I cannot wait to see the barn when it's finished, you must be so excited! Your place is lovely, and goodness………..those blueberries are beautiful and I bet they taste so much better because they're home grown!!~devon

  13. Sweet deal on the barstools…they look great in the kitchen!
    Blueberries….YUM! I'll help pick them!

  14. Come leave a comment on my blog for the Fairy Hobmother! I did and won a $50 Amazon Gift Cert. Seriously.. come comment and leave your wish.


  15. ok…the bar stools are cool and you got a great bargain…HOWEVER, that chicken pillow is incredible. if i am ever in your neck of the woods and that pillow comes up missing…i promise, I DID NOT TAKE IT! much love and happiness!!! xoxo!!!

  16. "I love your life"! That comment cracked me up!! LOVE those chairs! Seriously…they look amazing!! Fresh picked blueberries are the BEST! Hope you feel better!

  17. Hiya, loving the continued work on you place. Making it PERFECT! I also say, "what mess?" lol. You should pop into my cluttered home:) Hope you have a great weekend! Cheers ~Shelagh

  18. Oh yeah, that kitchen is SUCH a mess! Seriously? The barn looks great, as does everything at this old house.

  19. Love the stools, they look very comfortable! Ahh, that's not a messy kitchen! The pillow is just stunning, and I think it found a fantastic home.

    I do have a question, what is the tile behind your stove? I'm looking for something, I have the subway tile but I need to find something for behind my stove. Thanks!

  20. Mess? Where exactly?

    Love the barn. Can't wait to see the end result (I have mentioned that before, so come on! End result please ;-))

    Pretty chickens. Have they laid their first eggs already?

    And your posts, especially the ones like these, where you take us on tour around your house and grounds, read like some sort of 'Country Living' magazine. Love it!

  21. The girls are gettin' so big!

    Can I live in your tack room? I don't take up too much space, and I'd even muck out the barn (was that the right lingo?)

    Have you made blueberry cobbler yet? Or, are you preserving them. They look wonderful! And, peas! I bet they're not the kind we eat here, but I'm sure they're very good!! 🙂

  22. I jumped when I saw you mention Deanna's shop. Doesn't she just have the best stuff? I'll have to send her your post. Love the chairs!!! and they look great in your kitchen.

    Happy to meet you!

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