Some new old finds and Mrs. N. throws a wrench in it

  I did some more junk hunting yesterday – Ever since we started restoring the old mantles in This Old House, we’ve talked about that antique clock we’re gonna have there some day.  Mike even went so far as to have a plug installed at the top center of the mantle so we could plug something in if we needed to.  I found a glorious thing when having my watch repaired… a 1930 Sessions mantle clock that has been fitted with a quartz setting, so.. no winding every seven days. Everything on the outside of the clock is original.. face, hands, beautiful woodwork.  Just the guts have been updated.

 I also found this for $28…  An oil painting with initials and the year 1895 in the left hand corner. 
I just love this horses soft expression.
The picture to the left is an old horse shoe we found on this property
The middle photo is of Clove Lake Stables on Staten Island
where I learned how to ride.
The picture was taken when it was about to be torn down for development.

I found this horse last week at a local basketweavers shop on Route 1 – an old shack/corncrib with
two lovely elderly ladies who’ve done most of the weaving. The horse was tucked away under a display table and covered in dust and what looked like garden dirt. 
 I believe he’s made of marble or alabaster – weighing about 25 lbs.

 Tonight our wonderful neighbor up on the hill, Mrs. N –  stopped by to tell us about her Florida trip.  She never comes empty-handed…this time her offerings were downright sinful. 

 Now I’ve been attempting to lose this 15 lb. spare tire I have acquired because T-shirt season is just around the corner and there will be no hiding underneath those layers.  
The last 24 hours have been uneventful. 

Enter Mrs. N with heavenly homemade sweetrolls and chocolate pudding with the works.

I have already inhaled two sweetrolls and that pudding is calling me
even though I tucked it behind the milk and OJ and shut off the kitchen light. 

28 thoughts on “Some new old finds and Mrs. N. throws a wrench in it”

  1. Oh that horrible Mrs. N. You really need to do something about that horrible neighbor!! Hee hee

    Love the clock. My grandparents had one just like it that was then passed on to my parents and now to my sister. It will probably go to my daughter next since my sister has no children to pass it on to.


  2. Hi Karen!

    You know you got me at the sweet horse face!

    I love the grouping above your bed. The mantle clock is great also… love the sweet simple lines of that model.

    Good luck with fighting off the urge to eat the sweets! I have very little willpower and have to loose my winter weight right now too.

    I swear those sweets scream in the middle of the night…. come and get me!!!

    Be tough friend…. (yeah, like I am anyone to tell you THAT!!!???)


  3. Have you bopped her (Mrs. N) upside the head, yet? After you do, tell her she can send future offerings to me!

  4. Love how you did the pictures above your bed! They look great! Wasn't that brought up in a post of yours a long time ago? 🙂 Your new clock is gorgeous and I am in love with that little mouse candle holder!!! Love love love him! My grandmother collected mice and I have several of those pieces. That pic just made me think of her!

    I think every once and a while you have to totally trash the diet so you don't feel like you are depriving yourself and you can't be rude to such a wonderful neighbor! Send her my way!!!

    By the way… how are those beam bugs? 🙂

  5. How cute are those little mice????!!!! All your finds are fabulous – I wanted an antique mantle clock, too, but settled for a new one that looks antique – with a price to match!

    Your bedroom is fabulous! Have you posted pictures of the rest of your house, and where can I find them?

  6. Love your old clock and that picture of the horse is wonderful!!! LOVE IT! Those two lovely old ladies are devils I tell you- Devils in disguise as dear little old ladies~ xxoo Diana

  7. Love all the new old pieces! So fitting for your home and each with history. I start everyday with good intentions then weaken after dinner…last night it was peanut M&M's. It's not going to be pretty when I get on the boat this year :o{

  8. What a great score, finding that old clock with new guts! We have antique clocks all around the house, but I only keep two of them wound because it's such a PIA.

    Don't even TALK to me about the winter weight! I have my mother's genetic tendency to put it right around my midsection, and this is not at all attractive … either in t-shirts or shiny mother-of-the-bride dresses. The cold, wet winter hasn't helped at all, since it's been impossible to get outside and work any of this off.

    Yum, sweet rolls. . . .

  9. mmmmm, wish I had a neighbor like that!
    But I can't even eat that anymore…:(
    LOVE the marble horse! Nice find!

  10. I love your finds! My daughter would too, she loves anything with horses. :0) I haven't been antique shopping in a loong time. I lot of our antique shops how closed but we do have a few good one. I always go antique shopping when I go home to New England to visit my family, they have the kind of stuff I am looking for and at much better prices than down here.

    What a sweet neighbor, even if she isn't helping your middle! lol Not one dessert but two! wow

  11. Great finds, Karen. I would have been tempted to buy any one of those treasures. They look spectacular in your home. 🙂

  12. Love everything! I know someone with a clock like that, but can't remember who it is.

    When I knock on your door, I'll have peach cobbler for you! 🙂

  13. We have a Sessions mantle clock in our living room. We bought it for our anniversary about 3 years ago. We love it.


  14. Is there any chance that you would share where you purchased the little mice that are holding the candles? They are precious! I have never seen anything like them. All of your finds are lovely.

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