A Fish Tale

 I have a confession to make.  I killed Henry, it’s that simple.

 Every few days I gave Henry fresh distilled water that I keep under the sink.  I carefully tip the bowl just enough so that water flows over the edge into the sink (you see where this is going already, don’t you) getting rid of  the  food, plant and fish waste that sinks to the bottom.  Someone distracted me for a second the other day, I turned to answer a question and Henry… flopped…out.  I quickly scooped him up and placed him back in his bowl….only to find that my pinky finger had jammed into his gill in doing so and it was perpetually OPEN.  I stroked it, trying to get it to lay flat again, but it was clear he was drowning.  Wasn’t a darn thing I could do.   You’re welcome for the visual. 

I felt sick, heartbroken, really…. to know I had done this to a living thing.  Now you may be thinking he’s just a fish….but Henry had a personality, you know.  He got to knowing when it was feeding time and would swim in a frenzy when he saw that I bent over to the place where I keep his food.  His happiness in acquiring a larger living environment was evident in the way he displayed his fineage.
RIP, Henry.

 Fast forward an hour a day or so, and I can’t stand looking at that empty bowl on the kitchen island next to the christmas cactus.   It  screams ‘MURDERER’.   So off to Petco I go to rescue another Betta from one of those tiny little tupperware-like containers they keep them in.

 He is known as a Half-Moon Betta – his fuschia and deep red colors are so vivid.  I have not come up with a name yet and I’m asking for your help in finding something suitable.    My guilt runs so deep I bought THIS guy a castle. 

He has sort of an angry expression on his little face – I think he knows what I’ve done.  

 See what I mean?

21 thoughts on “A Fish Tale”

  1. oh dear, poor Henry..but at least you rescued one of his fellow friends from their mini tanks!

    Walter is a good name for a fish with a permanent scowl:)

  2. LMAO…. how can I possibly think of a name when I am laughing so stinkin' hard??? Be back later. Oh wait!! Wait!!! Maybe you could name him FLUSH!! LMAO I kill me.


  3. Poor Henry! I had a beta a couple of years ago when I lived in an apartment. His name was Frank (Frank the Fish – Ha!)

    I vote for Andy the Angry Guy. I think his little underbite is cute.

  4. Oh Henry! I have to admit, Henry the II has quite the look going for him! Good luck on the name- will go and see if I come up with anything.

  5. Oh me oh my! Oops, accidents do happen. So sorry about Henry. Love the color of the new one. Not so sure about a name for the little guy or is it a girl. Now I am scrolling on down for that soup recipe and off to the store.

  6. Oh Lordy, poor Henry, but you mustn't (is that a word) beat yourself up.

    I vote for George, don't ask me why. 🙂

  7. Hey, Henry understands. He knew how much you loved him! Your new guy looks a bit angry… I agree.

    Jemma said his name should be Flowerpuff because he looks like a beautiful flower! There you go…

  8. Maybe you could name him "Oops"! You wouldn't have him, if it hadn't been for the Oops accident!
    Or maybe Lucky. He is just that! It took Henry to pass for this guy to get his castle!
    have a great day! Let us know.
    xo, misha

  9. It's hard to convince folks who don't know that Betas have personalities … I have two on my kitchen counter, and I think they're great fun. Had one years ago that would eat off the end of my finger. Can't help you with a name for this new guy, I'm afraid, 'cause mine are named Blue and Turquoise … because they're blue and turquoise … you had to be there. He sure is pretty!

  10. He does look like he's keeping an eye on you! At least you saved him from going down the drain… I think this one looks like a flashy guy to me. Great castle.. I think you are forgiven, you just gave another orphan a home. 🙂

  11. Karen! I obviously have too much time on my hands this evening, but I cannot resist anything pertaining to animals! I searched for "angry" or similar words on a translator page and really liked the Italian version for angry and sullen: Torvo. I believe you all are Italian, correct? I think that is a fitting name for the new little guy. Sorry about Henry…

  12. Oh Geez, Karen, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry…Love the underbite of your new one and I'm sure he loves that you are guilt-tripped enough to buy him a castle! 😀

  13. You should call him King….after all you did buy him a castle!~! I am very sorry to hear of Henry's demise.

    Now…to make you feel better…as a child at the tender age of five…my Dad told me to use boiled water to take care of my fish. I did just that. Except I did not let the water cool down. Smart child that I was…the fish got fried.

    Now. Do you feel better??

  14. Yep, that new fish is definitely watching his back.

    I'm sorry about "the accident". I had a gold fish once named Pepito. I used to fill the sink with water, dump him in for a nice swim while I cleaned his bowl and then plop him back into his bowl. One cleaning, I went to scoop him up out of the sink and couldn't even put my hand in there it was so hot! I had accidentally filled the sink with all hot water before putting him in there. Poor Pepito didn't die but he was disabled, perhaps hard boiled? He swam only in small circles and always towards the left after that. He lived many more years though and once even after his bowl cracked, leaked to empty leaving him on the carpet where I found him when I came home. It must not have been for too long, or the carpet was wet enough, but he lived on. He was a trouper of a fish.

  15. Oh, I think you should name him Carmine! It's a nice Italian name and it's also one of my favorite colors of oil paint — a deep, vivid crimson color. What do you think?

    Sorry about Henry, my daughter lost almost every fish in her aquarium last week after introducing a few new fish. We both cried.

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