The Best Gift of the Season

  So.. as I ponder this particular holiday season, for as much HO HO HO, Good tidings and JOY  it’s supposed to bring upon you, what’s more realistic is the angst about spending money, buying the perfect gifts, trying to get a card out, wrapping all the presents, making all the lists, cooking and baking all that food and missing the people who aren’t with you for one reason or the other. I see it clearly on facebook and the blogosphere   (although bloggers tend to be happier people, I’ve noticed.. more griping goes on in the Facebook world and I always think that’s a mistake). 

 Today, although I have all of the above to worry about,  I did nothing in particular of very much importance.  What I did do.. was appreciate the family all under one roof, untethered to work or school projects or activities. There were no tragedies or emergencies.  School is out for the holiday and it’s so nice to have both chicks in the nest. I didn’t even mind the bickering between them, which was minimal…and I suspect they like having each other around too.  I love the gift of  this ordinary day, and I don’t appreciate it often enough.  There have been times when we have not had that luxury and I should know better. 

 I hope you’ve had an ordinary day too, and I’de love to hear the kind of day you cherish most.

18 thoughts on “The Best Gift of the Season”

  1. I have all that stuff to do this week, too. Wrapping, grocery list making, grocery shopping, baking, cleaning, hair appointment, vet appointment, grooming appointment and my kiddos will be here Thursday! Yikes, I'm behind. Thanks for reminding me, but it will all be good.

  2. This is the part of Christmas that I enjoy the most … the part where the responsibilities and stresses start to wind down. Gift shopping? Almost done. Menu? Planned, with shopping list coming along. Cards? Addressed, though not mailed yet. I love to sit here and relish life and family … it's what this is all about.

  3. We are leaving next week for Ohio. On Thursday. Am I ready? No. Is there still tons to do? You bet!
    But, J has been out of school for a week now and it has been lovely! We played with the horseys all week and just enjoyed not having a schedule.
    You enjoy your chicks being home and just *be*
    xo, misha

  4. I have all those same stresses but I also enjoy the fact that everyone will be home and healthy! Our son is done with finals, our daughter will be here on Thursday and also my in-laws…life is good!

    Your house looks beautiful!

    Kat 🙂

  5. I needed this post so much, Karen.

    Thank you!

    Your house is beautiful! That dog just keeps getting BIGGER!!!!! LOVE the CARD!!!

    Everything will get done! I hope.

  6. Love the night time picture! We drove by last evening on our way home from family visiting and the house looked so peaceful & beautiful!
    I love the picture of Bailey by the woodpile!
    Enjoy the weekend! 🙂

  7. today i cherish a quiet morning, savoring this moment while surfing the blogosphere ~ nice to meet you :)… and carving time to make cards in the afternoon.

    i'm in the middle of a remodel ( my 7th house project) and look forward to seeing post about your big project ~ so glad you are finished and enjoying the space ~ happy holidays

  8. Oh mercy, Karen –

    most of my days are ordinary and full of simple joys like a deep breath, the pups playing, horses being horses, sheep kisses and the like. My days have changed, for the time being, and now my ordinary, simple joys include making it to the hospital in time for treatments, a sunny day where Dave's feeling well, knitting or embroidery or quilting a bit. Just life and thank God for it.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Blessings to you and yours all together in one place 🙂

    My favorite days are Snow Days — school vacations do not grant a reprieve from extracurriculars around here, where wrestling is living for my oldest… but on a Snow day where no one can go anywhere, and everything is canceled and I am not expected to run errands and drag about unhappy kids to one another's things… but instead we can sit lazily at home and enjoy one another's company.

  10. Now that I am 60 it seems that every year I have started to slow down on some of what used to be "essential" holiday activities…I send fewer cards, bake less, entertain less, decorate less…but I am enjoying it more! My favorte day remains exactly what you describe so well in words and photos…the ordinary day.

  11. You and I think so much alike, I wonder why that is. 🙂

    Love that your chillun's bicker now and then; it's perfectly normal and a sure sign of sibling love.

    Today has been cloudy, wet, cold; I've spent most of it reading. It truly is my kind of day!!

  12. Ahhhh, the days I cherish most are when I can snuggle with my son (he's 5) while listening to Norah Jones and the RAIN hitting my roof! It's soooo peaceful!

    Cool snow effect Karen! I almost missed it…my eyes are failing…must be old age!

  13. One of the pregnant friends I 'shot' was wearing a T-shirt that said (quite nicely hidden on the inside bottom hem) 'there is no way to happiness, happiness is the way'. Quite right.
    I've used that text in her book too. Lovely.

    I do love your photos. They ooze a comfortable happy atmosphere. Nice.
    (No complaints from the insane neighbours about the dazzling delightful Christmastree yet? I imagine it can be seen from space ;-))

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