Headlines. Come on over, weigh in…

   Mental illness? Or  is it racism, pure and simple.  Nine people killed in a church in Charlest0n while participating in bible study.   A woman played dead while lying in her sons blood.  Amazingly, she survived. The killer asked one survivor if he had hit her. She said no… and he said… GOOD, I need a witness here, because I’m going to kill myself.   He didn’t.  Coward.     The victims all black, the murderer a white 21 year old punk who had previously let his racist views be known.   He discussed with friends how he wanted the races segregated.  He admits now, in custody, that his intention was to start a race war.   My husband says he must be mentally ill.    I beg to differ – there is still enough ignorance and hate and -dumb-  in the dark corners of our society to produce such a being.   If ever there was a case for capital punishment, this is it. 

   His family is horrified, can’t fathom how this happened.  I don’t know that I believe that, although I believe they are horrified. We find out after the fact in stories like this, and there are far too many stories like this…..  that there were most often signs, warnings, writing on the wall.    How to stop it?  I wish I knew.   I wish we didn’t have to know.  

     Like it or not, we’re all here to stay. Red white black brown yellow green purple.  The conversations we have in our households matter. The attitude we project, display, announce… matter. It starts there, although admittedly it’s not the only influence.  And if you think this doesn’t affect you… it just ain’t true.   We all pay a price, it seeps into all of ours lives in one way or another.  

The families of the victims?  They FORGAVE him,  already… publicly.  Amazing grace, that. 


 The Confederate Flag – how do you all feel about that?  Honestly I hadn’t given it an ounce of thought until the other day when a friend expressed outrage that it’s still allowed to fly – She believes it represents hate, racism, the history of slavery, etc.  Others will tell you it’s merely a symbol of Southern Pride, especially to today’s young people, those who don’t have the memories of our older generations.    

     Interesting fact – did you know the Swa$tika was once an aboriginal symbol of Peace?  What does it represent now to anyone other than Hitl3rs insane atrocities against humanity. For me it’s not just about Hitl3r… how about all those people who followed his command?… That’s what I think of when I see that symbol.  All those willing people.                      

.…  Donald Trump – for President?  The man is as arrogant as they come. He has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times. – 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009.  All connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties, all now owned by Trump Entertainment Resorts. True, in very big business, bankruptcy is  explained as merely a restructuring of debt, not the devastation it represents for the average Joe. To me it means arrogant abuse of power and a degree of poor judgement, regardless. Very informative article HERE if you’re interested in learning much more about his inheritance, rise to power, over reaching stumbles, saving-his-ass assistance  by government that he frequently rails against….and a trait I find particularly ugly –  He gives zero credit to anyone but himself for his extreme wealth.  He’s been married.. how many times?    He  lives in over the top opulence.   He’s crass, pompous, disrespectful.  

     Presidential material?   Some of you love him and say you’d vote for him.   Although I love you all dearly and value your opinions almost as much as my own, maybe sorta,  I’m scratching my head here,  Just that.  


     Rachel Dolezal – bizarre? yes.  Deserving of crazy national attention?   I’m leaning toward no.   So she identifies herself as black, why do we care so much?   She’s apparently been lying about her ethnicity for years.   Maybe I don’t know all there is to know, actually probably…. but the only people who this really affects, in my opinion,  are her parents and her children.    The ‘rents have been banned from family celebrations such as her sons graduations,etc… for fear that she would be exposed as -NOT BLACK -.  Now that sucks.   But seriously –  People alter their appearance all the time, it’s commonplace.  Ever dye your hair? Get a perm?  Cosmetic surgery?  Go tanning? I identify with those living on a waterfront villa overlooking crystal blue lagoons in quaint European villages in  the Mediterranean… if I could pull it off and tell you that’s me, I might have done it!  Does anyone care? Why is this such a big deal?  

     She’s been fired from the NAACP, and I don’t think it has to do with her actual ethnicity so much as the lying.  Why lie?  Why not just -be-.  
