Thursday thoughts

  My computer hard drive is still missing in action – Computer guru Wayne ended up in the hospital with complications from Diabetes. Say a little prayer for him and Lord give him the strength to stop eating the donuts and sweets.  We just had a discussion about that very thing last week… when you don’t smoke and you don’t drink, eating is your source of emotional comfort and joy.  I get that! But when you risk losing a foot, it’s time to get control of it and I’m wishing him the best  in healing and strength to overcome.   
   My thoughts on Mr. Castro, torturer of three women for many years – Coward. For those of you who feel sorry for the asshat because he was clearly mentally ill, he deserved a fate worse than his own suicide and a part of me is glad he’s gone and tax payers won’t cover his sorry ass expenses for the remainder of his pathetic life. The other part is disappointed that he won’t feel the full wrath of his horrible actions for a very long long time.  While I sympathize with the mentally ill, for they do not ask for the mental anguish they suffer, that kind of illness is raw evil.
  Syr*a –  what to do, what to do.  I’m glad it’s not my decision. What they are doing to their people over there is so inhumane, it deserves the wrath of the entire world.  I don’t believe it’s Americas responsibility to come to the aid of every suffering group of people because of the corruption and inhumanity of their leaders and rebels without the entire world stepping in as well.  I’m tired of handing  American money and American military lives over to other countries who are not our allies to begin with… and doing so as the rest of the world watches and threatens and scolds.  We have problems right here, we owe money BIG TIME.  OUR people are suffering in many ways all over the country.   
   For all  the Obama haters out there, it is never the actions of just one man or even one party that we can blame for the mess we are in. When you start pointing a finger and your rage and hate at just one source, you lose credibility with me… because we should all know by now…it takes a village… the idiot village we have in Washington –  term after term it seems as of late.
  Regarding the paleo diet… well, I can tell you we are not strictly paleo and probably will never be, because it’s just too dang hard to do so.  But, we are already feeling better and losing a little weight by avoiding the breads and pastas and overload of dairy we consumed before. 
  Rant over 🙂