Come, sit, pour a cup of coffee and lets talk current events…

If you visit blogs for sunshine and light, it’s not happening here today. Some of you have asked me what I think of the P*ula Deen fiasco. I don’t think I’m going to make any friends here when I say I think she is getting what she deserves. It’s not that she’s a terrible person, but I have no tolerance for prejudice and racism, not even in stupid callous jokes. She’s known among her colleagues for this. It’s not funny. Ever. Abuse of employees in this manner is never right… and one of her ideas – the hiring of all black men to serve at a dinner party representing a by-gone era she cherishes is kinda disgusting. There is nothing to celebrate about the way black people were treated back-in-the-day. Nostalgic? Hell no. I know she’s sorry now, because she was called on it and is now embarassed. She should be. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That being said… Paula is just a tip on that iceburg. There are many rappers out there who call each other the “N” word. I will never understand this. Here’s something else entirely – why are there magazines such as “Ebony” and events such as “The National Black Writers Conference”, among many other examples? Somehow I don’t think there is a “Snow” magazine in publication and I doubt you’ll find “The National White Writers Conference” in session anywhere. No, I’m pretty sure those would be called… racist. So why keep separating blacks and whites in this manner? And there’s the religious aspect of all of this…We’re all created equally,and if you’re a God believing person, surely you hold this to be true… all his people were created equally, right? He loves all? Yet some of the most religious people I’ve met are also.. prejudice. How do they justify this in their own head, I ask you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The barbaric acts we are seeing in the news are just mind blowing, sometimes literally! How about that Brazilian Referee who was attacked by a player, pulled out his knife in defense, I guess, and killed the player right there on the field! Then, the angry mob came out on the field and beheaded and dismembered the referee!! If you’re so inclined, you can see those graphic photos on the internet. What are they doing there, I ask you. Does the media ever think of the torture that must be to the families of the victims? And why do WE need to see it at all?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you been privy to the mess that is the Osc*r Pistor*us investigation? This is what Bill Maher had to say recently… “I wouldn’t shoot her thru the bathroom door” is the new “I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers” Funny, but not. Oscar claims he mistakenly shot and killed his girlfriend, who was in the tiny little toilet area of his bathroom which had it’s own door, closed, at the time he shot her. Apparently, he thought she was an intruder. He claims he felt vulnerable in his gated, security camera’d and alarmed home because he did not have his “legs” on. This turns out not to be true according to the evidence, which shows the shooter was standing at a mans normal height judging by the angle of the bullets and how they hit and killed his girlfriend. He shot her several times, all fatal blows… did he not hear her cry out after the first shot? Why would an intruder lock him/herself in a three by three ft. toilet? Did he not look beside him in the bed to see if his girlfriend was there in the bathroom before he jumped up and assumed there was an intruder? She lived there part time, after all. The kicker is… Oscar is free to leave the country and pursue his athletic career while the court system figures all this out. Something smells funny.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Speaking of athletes behaving badly… what a fool a certain football player is for behaving as if he is God and taking the lives of others whenever it suits him. Do you know why he had such a high opinion of himself? Because we pay these guys millions upon millions of dollars, an insane amount really… just because they’re really good with a ball. I can see a million a year if you’re so unbelievably good (and lucky to have that talent) at any given sport. But the salaries they pull are insanity. The NFL is not the only culprit. We treat them like they are Gods, we worship them, throw insane amounts of money at them… so why would we expect them to believe any lesser truth? Our educators, our law enforcement and rescue people, our physicians (well, some) and our farmers, all valuable and necessary and vital people in our communities, are underpaid. Our politicians and athletes are phenomenally overpaid. What’s wrong with this picture.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zimmerm*an vs. Martin… a sad and tragic case. A young man killed, another’s life most likely ruined by the ensuing mess. This one is tricky. Was Zimmerman attacked in a life threatening manner? Was Martin an innocent just walking through a neighborhood? I don’t know. In general, if a kid of any color is just walking through a neighborhood -not doing anything wrong- , odds are he’s not gonna be shot point blank in the chest. No, there had to be some sort of provocation. However, was it the kind that deserved a bullet to the chest? Was this a hasty move by an overzealous neighborhood watchman? … Sad all around. The truth will never be known with absolute certainty.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are we becoming a more barbaric society? Or is the media just giving us all the information we weren’t privy to before the internet and instant news gratification? I think the media is going to be our fall from grace in the end. It WILL be our end. There’s my spin, and it’s perfectly OK if you feel differently. I welcome all opinions, as long as you show respect for others opinions.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PS.. BLogger is being a real bugger today, posting is almost impossible, so I apologize for the poor format. I hope to correct it once blogger straightens up and flies right. (sigh)

UPDATE! Blogger is still wonky…and I find reading a post with poor format is just annoying, so until blogger straightens this out, I’m taking a blog hiatus. As always, thanks for your comments, I enjoy the conversation.