Looks Matter

  THIS… is what one of the Jurors in the Jodi Ar*as case had to say the day after the jury was declared hung, and the penalty phase a mistrial.    Zervakos said the 32-year-old defendant simply did not fit his image of a murderer. “When you look at a young woman and you think of the crime, and then you see the brutality of the crime, it just doesn’t wash,” he said. “It’s very difficult to divest yourself from the personal, from the emotional part of it.”

  It is proven that she did the crime, dude.  Hideously so. It was also proven that she has chronically lied  to just about everyone right up to and including you, the jury.   She even slept in the bed of another man just days after murdering her victim.  What didn’t WASH for you?  And.. you could distance yourself from the personal, the emotional horror of this man’s brutal death, but not her punishment for carrying it out?

Though the jury did not believe Arias’ story that she killed Travis Alexander in self-defense, Zervakos said he believed Alexander abused her. “I’m very sure, in my own mind, that she was mentally and verbally abused,” he said. 

So, not based on the facts that were presented, but just what you came up with in YOUR OWN MIND, and in her lies, PROVEN LIES…. you made the decision to let the jury hang?  At the tax payers and Alexander families expense?  

 “Now, is that an excuse? Of course not. Does it factor into decisions we make? It has to.”  says he. 

Here’s what I think factors in….Judge for yourself….

Women convicted and living on death row…
Women who beat the system in one way or another….

Notice how these women change their looks in court to appear less…
sexual? Manipulative?   Less capable of carrying out their hideous murders?
So, apparently… we are such a shallow lot….
that even in cases of the most hideous brutality,
…Looks Matter.
Just sayin.

10 thoughts on “Looks Matter”

  1. Okay, I didn't blog about it, but I followed the trial for five months… in and out of the house to check where they were daily. I was stunned, too, at the foreman's comments… and don't know what he saw that we all didn't. Maybe some humanity. I have often imagine how the "frail" Jodi could have overpowered her former boyfriend… I think shock, surprise and the first blow must have been terrible.
    RIP Travis.

  2. The murdereress (ja) made this statement after she was arrested app. 5 yrs. ago—-'No jury will ever convict me of murder. You have my word on that–no jury will ever convict me.' Seems like she knows more than we do. I was just hoping for justice for Travis A. and for his poor tortured family. It didn't happen.
    And now they have to go thru all of it again with a new jury for the sentencing phase ????

  3. I so don't understand how they came back with that answer after convicting her of first degree murder and adding the that it was aggravated. She somehow did "con" them and connect with a few jurors in her lies and manipulation in her final address to the jury. I feel so badly for her own family in how she is using them… and even more so, the Alexander family, this case has to continue. I am quite disgusted by the 4 hold-out jurors and their lack of fortitude.

  4. Oh, you are so right on with this! Those two women are such evil, master manipulators –they deserve to be in a cell together forever, but one is totally free, isn't she? Of course she is so infamous that I suppose she lives in a prison of her own making, but still I'd like to see her in jail or executed!
    My ex DIL was cold, calculated and selfish. I noticed when the wedding photos were done that she was only interested in the ones that were just HER –

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