Goose Rocks and Cottage Gardens

  My son walked into the kitchen a few afternoons ago and asked if I’d like to go kayaking at the cove.     Are ya kidding? Let’s go! ….  I think if your grown children enjoy spending time with you now and again, you’ve done something right in life, just sayin.

Inside Joshua Cove… 

  It was a gloriously warm spring evening and we paddled out to a small island of rocks that sits about a 15 minute paddle beyond the mouth of our cove in Long Island Sound.  The water was like glass as we made our way – the sun shining down, warming our shoulders – gulls overhead chattering away and the soft clank of a distant buoy joined the birds conversation.  I only know this last part because the boy described it to his hearing impaired mother – he is a kind one. 💕
Heading out to Goose Rocks … or Goose Island as it’s officially called… 

       As we approached the cluster of rocks I wondered how we’d climb aboard  but my son assured me there is a very convenient landing consisting of millions of shells that have washed ashore.  Indeed there was… 
    For such a beautiful night, there were very few boaters out in the water. It was if we had the Sound to ourselves for a brief while.  M had an eagle eye, collecting a large assortment of sea glass and shards of pottery.  They say when you find pottery pieces, it’s possible they are from cottages lost to storms along the coast. 

 Mermaid scale? 
 The beginning of the Thimble Islands out in the distance… 
    After sea glass hunting and some deep breathing and  admiration for the beauty around us, we paddled back to shore, worn yet rejuvenated.  Kayaking in the salt air and water does that to you – tires you out and refreshes you at the same time. 
    Added to the beauty of the sea are the cottage gardens and wildflowers along the little roads – The island is full of spring blooms …..

 Because we of the 140 or so cottages share this 300 acre “island” with a herd of cows, they occasionally escape their pasture and come calling…  perhaps the grass is greener on the salty side? 
*thank you to those who acknowledged their view on the previous post.  Politics (and religion!) are not easy topics to discuss and it doesn’t always feel safe to express opinions.   While I’ve been trying to avoid the subject for the most part, it doesn’t always feel right to just say or do nothing.  There is great power in communication.   And.. there’s great power in the vote.  Get out and vote at every opportunity – just that. 
Have a good weekend, all –