And the rain came…

 I cannot remember the last time we had so many days of dreary drizzly grey weather all strung together.  It’s downright depressing.  The gardens are drenched and although very green, also very near drowning. My tomato plants are on the verge of needing replacement and I  just spoke with one of my farm market vendors and they’re having a horrible spring growing season. 
About the only thing in my gardens that are happy are the perennials. 
 The paddocks are mucky, the chicken coop murky… the horses don’t mind the light rain because it keeps the bugs away, but the mucking, quite frankly, sucks. 
 We have babies everywhere…. baby bunnies under the bushes in the backyard, nests all around the outside of the house –  this is the porchlight purple finch nest which once held a cowbird egg but it mysteriously disappeared almost as soon as it appeared.  *ahem.  Mama bird is happily sitting on these eggs as I type. 

 Remember the chickadee babes just a week or so ago? …

See how they’ve grown! Almost ready to leave the nest…

 Here’s a robin I discovered in a pine tree on the edge of one of the hay fields out back…

   Frasier and I have visited the cottage in between the raindrops to get some exercise in – thankfully  Stella is less than 15 miles from here and I’m able to get down there easily whenever it behooves me.  The island neighborhood is perfect for walking….
By the way, this is not my photo… but it IS our cove – the Thimble Islands are out in the distance, there are over 200 of them, some as small as a very large boulder, some have multiple houses on them.  Stella is not visible here, she’s tucked in to the shoreline on the right side mid photo-level.   

Below are a few images (not mine) of homes on some of the Thimbles… they range from tiny to huge and each has it’s own charm.  Each also has it’s own funky commute – small boat access only!  Ugh, think of when you’re baking a cake for company and realize you’ve run out of eggs or milk or toilet paper or garbage bags.  On a rainy day.

 For that reason, I’m grateful Stella’s “island” isn’t really an island. 


 Here’s a new recipe share – Cheesecake cookies, recipe found HERE


     And last but not least…. If  we’re friends on FB you’ve noticed I am not spewing quite so much political exasperation lately – there’s just so much of it, all the regurgitating of the offenses is getting really.. really old.  It’s still there, the news is reeling…. what news is fake, what news is worthy, … round and round it goes, and when it will stop, nobody knows.  
What I do know is… we all need to keep a little sense of humor.  Today’s humor served up by none other than the Commander in Chief himself  in a late evening sleep-deprived tweet… his new word , of which is already very popular – it’s gonna be great, it’s yuge, believe me!

 (Sigh*)…. You can’t make this sh*t up.