….you’d better come in here acting like you’ve got some sense.
Boy, could the headlines be any more of a sh*t show? Actually I shouldn’t even tempt it. This post was originally (like 20 minutes ago) a political post. But I’m so tired of my own damned outrage at the insanity I deleted the whole thing. So here you go… a little lightness I need as much as anyone.
The goatgirlz!! Oh, the joy they bring. Star and Bella are like two toddlers we’ve adopted – they talk to us whenever we’re outside, even if we’re off in the distance. If we’re sitting among them they climb all over us, and they love to chase my son around the paddock. Goats love stuff to climb on – so our girlies got a picnic table we had up at the firepit that was getting a little dodgy, and they love their new perch.

Have you picked up any new hobbies or nurtured old ones during the pandemic? I’ve picked up painting again and have found it to be very therapeutic . I’m not a schooled artist and my paintings are a bit primitive, but I have learned a few tricks as I go along and while practice will never make me perfect, it has helped me get a better result when I paint. These two I am very happy with – they were so much fun. The first is a fall scene in Woodstock, Vermont – Sleepy Hollow Farm. I added my son’s cat to it after this picture was taken, as this is a gift for his new home, soon to be completed… and I call it Lily in the leaves. I really should go upstairs and snap a new picture but I’m lazy today, so you get the leaves without lily.

I just completed this one below- using a photo I took of a wave on South Beach , Martha’s Vineyard. Oh, how I have missed my favorite island this summer. Hopefully by next year travel will be a safe option again.

My vegetable garden is pretty much spent …. and for the 10th year in a row, our apple orchard produced zero apples – we’ve definitely done something wrong up there on the hill with the planting of those trees… but the raspberry and blueberry bushes provided bags and bags of frozen berries in my freezer for all kinds of baking and smoothies and cereal, etc. as the year rolls on. I also have sauce in the freezer from the tomatoes we harvested. It was just a -meh type garden year.

Down at the shore cottage things are looking a little brown after a freak storm battered the community, flipping boats on their moorings, tumbling trees, battering foliage and turning it a scorched brown. I’ve done some kayaking, mom has spent a few lovely weeks there and we all have frequented it for meals on occasion, but we did not get as much use out of it as previous years, mainly because of high heat and humidity and poor weather in general.

Here’s an awesome recipe I’ll share late in the season, but it is one of my favorites and because nowadays you can get just about anything any time of the year, you can probably make this all year long. Whoever thought of throwing blueberries and corn into a salad together and then that honey lime dressing? I thank them profusely for the gift of it.

My son’s house is coming along, tentative move in date is October 15th – his soon to be fiance’s birthday! (yes, that’s happening soon! shhhh…. )

I am so happy for my son, for our whole family… because this lovely young woman has become a much loved member of our family in the six years they have dated. Seeing them build the future together is such a joy. They guide each other through thick and thin, have aided each other in building their careers, and they are strength to each other’s weaknesses, bringing out the best in each other. It’s a beautiful thing.

Mom with her favorite grandson, on his side porch

As for me, I have started a new diet plan – day five and I’m down four pounds. I’m finding it totally do-able. I’m not hungry, I’m eating healthy, and the weight is slowly coming off. The weight loss will slow, for that was probably mostly water weight – but I am finding this plan is excellent – doable, healthy eating. I shop for the groceries and cook the meals, the meal plan and grocery listed are provided by the founder of the program. He’s traveled nationwide with his program and his clients span the globe, but he happens to live right here in town and has helped many of my neighbors, how cool is that!? Here’s my before picture – 27 pounds to lose at day 1, down 4 already. Believe me, this picture does not really show -all the fat -. I’ll keep you posted on this, but if you’re looking for a program yourself and others have failed you (like me!) …. this..is working.
myslimnation.com – Robert Nevins

Stay tuned for the progress…..
And here are a few funnies for this strange, strange year….

Ah… that’s much better than the miserable political post I had intended. Stay safe and sane, all –
Till soon –