a Quilt of a post

Well let’s start with an actual quilt! Through blogland I have met some wonderful people, some of whom I consider dear friends.  I have been collecting my son’s old t-shirts from childhood with the intent of having a T-shirt quilt made for him. Finding someone to do it proved difficult.. and then it dawned on me I have a very talented friend who does all sorts of creative things including sewing but mostly weaving beautiful towels, rugs, shawls, etc. for many years.  So I asked Hilary over at Crazy As A Loom if she’d be willing to give this project a go, and boy did she ever! It came out better than I expected, my son loves it too. She said it’s her first T-shirt quilt, and her last, LOL.  As I suspected, it’s a mighty pain in the a&& to make, but I am so grateful she was willing.  My son and daughter in law are  expecting their first child in May and one day this will be an heirloom for generations to come. It’s so warm and cozy.

Not sure if it’s the strange weather, a too warm and then frigid cold  winter we’ve had here in New England… this fibromyalgia body has been in flare.  When that happens I’m tempted to get lazy and slow down but with all the barn chores that’s not really possible and I do find if I keep moving I’m better off.  I walk often and hike occasionally – this weekend we went over to the Scout Camp at Deer Lake and hiked to Fat Man Squeeze.  I’m glad I still fit!   When I adopted Kai he was a timid soul, so much so that on these hikes he would be afraid to go over big logs, afraid to climb rock  and ledge, afraid to go into caves or up the very narrow squeeze.  With the trust we’ve built over the past two years, while he’s still timid, he has come a long way and easily goes where I go without freezing, without me having to carry him up and over as we did initially.  It’s a beautiful thing.  Truly he is the best walking/hiking companion I’ve ever had.

I’m not a bendy person, so certain forms of Yoga make me look like the walking dead…..but yoga is really good for this fibromyalgia body and years ago I found a DVD set and used it for a long time and it really helped. It was great for beginner or low level yoga people like me. We got a new Tv  system and no longer had DVD player and I just stopped, which was dumb. I’m thrilled to say I just found the exact series on Amazon prime $15 purchase and I can do it right in my office while it streams on my screen or on my flat screen tv in the family room via prime video. If this sounds like you to some degree- I highly recommend the Kate Potter series, seasons 1 and 2 in particular. It’s Calming, fun, enough of a work out that you accomplished something, and helps you stay limber, strengthens your core and overall body.

I’ve also carved a little time out for painting… the bridge picture is coming along… still much to do but I’m happy with it’s progress…

The following made me laugh out loud, and anything that does that is worthy of sharing…

Reading a good book right now, that gives a different perspective on the fallout and a different kind of  victim of the Holocaust.. another dimension, another layer I had never given thought to before, and I have mixed feelings about it as well.   I recommend it if you’re a reader – very well written

  I hope all is well in your neck of the woods…  Thank you for stopping by

Till soon!

16 thoughts on “a Quilt of a post”

  1. Just added the book to my reading list. I am so sorry you are suffering physically. There is nothing much worse than aching all over all the time. Been there-but finally found something that works long-term for me.
    Kai has come so far! You are a good “mom” and it shows.
    Love your walks and the pictures are beautiful….so is the quilt and the painting.
    Have a wonderful upcoming weekend! xo Diana

  2. Wow, that is a beautiful painting. You are so talented! That looks like a nice place for a walk – not a lot of snow at that time? I’ve tried to like yoga, but I just can’t. I hope you feel better! -Jenn

  3. I bet your son loves his quilt. I have one to finish and an Heirloom quilt to start. MUST get my a** in gear!

    I love your painting – you have talent.

    You have some lovely places to walk locally and glad that little Kai thinks so too.

    1. He really does love it! And yes, get your ass in gear and finish yours! they are treasures. Thank you for the kinds words 🙂

  4. I’m in awe of your painting and of the lands which you call home..sigh..oh how I miss PA StIll to this day and it’s been 20 years now since I’ve been home- funny…still home when I have haven’t lived there for 59 years.
    On your prior post, I can’t even deal with it all anymore. I actually caught myself snapping off the tv last week when another upsetting thing came on. even reading about it all, my fall back the last few years , makes my heart race and I feel unsettled. Of course we should all feel terribly unsettled, concerned, slightly frightened… I just struggle with it all, possibly more so, living alone, and being alone so much of the time? Turning 70 this year isn’t helping any of it.
    I’m not doing well any longer in the cold here and it’s nothing like what you have. Just another thing I wouldn’t handle well. Thank heaven for Walter – well, you know better than most <3

    1. Suzan I have thought of you often and how you’ve been living in a place you don’t really feel is “home” and your kids aren’t nearby. Although the home you’ve made is lovely… You know what my advice has been. It’s never too late. It’s never too late. ITS NEVER TOO LATE. 🙂

  5. Hello,
    The t-shirt quilt is wonderful, I am sure it will be treasured. Your hike with Kai looks great, I like the totem, the lake view and geese. I have never tried yoga, I would need a beginners lesson. Your painting of the bridge is awesome. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. I’m so glad Kai likes to hike with you!
    The quilt is beautiful; I know it will be treasured for many years to come.
    Sorry I’m a slouch in blogging lately, too much going on but we’re
    all still here. 🙂


  7. Your covered bridge painting is just beautiful, Karen. And I’m so glad you’ve been able to get out and about, walk a bit. Our weather has been bizarre too and I sometimes think that might be affecting the arthritis and such. It certainly does a number on the sinuses! The photos of your walk show a lovely place to be!

  8. Greetings from central MA! “a too warm and then frigid cold winter we’ve had here in New England… this fibromyalgia body has been in flare. When that happens I’m tempted to get lazy and slow down but with all the barn chores that’s not really possible” describes my life to a “t.” I often call my goats the foundation of my Healthcare Plan, since no matter how much pain I’m in, or how deeply exhausted I feel, I MUST get out there and take care of chores, multiple times daily. And I’m grateful. Slow, but grateful 🙂

    1. Hi Quinn, You’ve got much of the same weather in the next state over, yesterday was a t-shirt day! I love that statement… the goats are the foundation of your healthcare plan… same here with the horses/goats/chickens, LOL. People I know who go to the gym ask if I’ll join them.. I tell them I already go to the gym daily – in the barnyard.

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