Mild Winter Days and the Lost Kitchen


Hello from Leo and I… Leo is my son’s “first son”….  in this photo he’s doing his typical thing when I go visit him at lunchtime on occasion – I have to coax him out to pee and have a snack, and then he takes up his vigil in the big chair once again looking out over the driveway because *WheresMyDAD*.   The rest of us are just furniture.

Their cat, Lily… well she could be described as a honey badger… if you know, you know.

Yesterday was T-shirt weather here in New England. Crazy for February!  However, with my girlchild very  pregnant with her first child and my taking back over most of the barn responsibilities .. I am so very grateful for the reprieve.  It makes barn chores so much easier.  So many of the mornings have been glorious!

Bella and Star approve of the fine weather.. and they love their new living quarters in the new barn and barnyard.  They’ve got more room to roam and run up and down the front hill, leaping with joy. I love to see it.

Our old man, Max-a-million is doing very well, we’ve been able to manage the glaucoma in his left eye with meds.  After a long show career and service to many people, this is the retirement every horse should get but seldom do.  I am grateful to be able to grant it to him.

Our recently adopted blind mini, Molly is my most favorite horse… she is just amazing with her navigation skills.  Our other mini Lacey tolerates her, and that’s about it.  At least she doesn’t abuse her, which was the case in her previous home.

Beautiful Leah graces us each day with her company.  A very good minded horse, she will always have a home with us, as she is wonderful to ride, will be great for the grandchildren to learn to ride on  someday and while she was bred to show and it’s true she’s a bit fancy for a “home horse”,  we know she much prefers this life to the grueling show life.

Have you been watching The Lost Kitchen (HBO MAX) … with reknown chef Erin French?  I love that show… what a resilient person. Her food is phenomenal and creative, her story remarkable.  I treated myself to her cookbook and her memoir – Finding Freedom.. and The Lost Kitchen cookbook.   SO far I’ve made her fried chicken with perfect potato salad and blueberry sweet and sour sauce,   and her pear cake.  Both are out of this world delicious and not hard to make.   If you’re a foody or just like a great true story of redemption and triumph,  I highly recommend these two books, and I’m not being paid to say it.  Even the photography is gorgeous. You might come to love Maine and its salt of the earth people, too. I already do.

Have you ever cooked with a cast iron pan?  Man, what I have been missing! I was intimidated by the “seasoning” of the thing and the first one I bought many years ago rusted because I washed it like any regular pan.  This time I’m doing it right and you really can’t beat the results.

     I hope all is well in your neck of the woods – Wishing you love and light this Valentines Day – Not everyone has a Romeo in their lives, if you do.. you are very lucky indeed.  There are so many ways to celebrate love.. and most especially for yourself!  Treat yourself in the ways you find comfort, indulge in the good chocolate, make  (or buy!) that chocolate cake.  Buy the fancy dreamy creamy soaps, splurge to frame that painting.  Buy the flowers,  and know this from the bottom of your blessed heart…

you are loved and loavable❤


Till soon, friends –



8 thoughts on “Mild Winter Days and the Lost Kitchen”

  1. The photos of your house and the animals are always my favorite! And it helps to have some nice days….I know you have to get out in every kind of weather. I’ve not heard of this chef but the books look interesting. I search recipes online most of the time now but it’s fun to browse through a cookbook. Enjoy your weekend! (we’re still loving our Jeep!)

  2. You are one busy woman! I can’t even imagine how you do it all, of course I’m old so I sit and read or eat. LOL

    I always love your posts, Karen even if I’m regularly late.

    You are going to be an extremely wonderful and loving grandmother! I know you can’t wait! I can’t wait and I don’t even live there. 🙂


  3. Oh Karen, I don’t have HBO Max but boy — that looks terrific! Well done!

    I loved seeing your menagerie. And yes, it’s the oddest winter for those of us here in the north. The small bit of snow we got a few days ago has gone and even though it’s pretty brisk out there, it’s easier to maneuver! I loved checking in on your world. Thanks for coming by last week.

  4. Why, oh why, do I read you before I eat my breakfast? You slay me every time and I am trying so hard to shed those horrid winter snuggle pounds.
    I know that no one life is idealic and yours certainly has had trials, as we all do, but when I hear about your animals, and with your children living so close by, I am filled with happiness for you and yours.

    I just spent a grueling week in CA packing up my girl for a great new move in with her sweetheart. They are both slammed with work and organizing, purging and packing might just be my best skill. Drove home thru terrible wind and snow storm with a very upset whining pooch, IYKYK. It’s only 4 hours away to my loves, but some trips end up 6 or more and my 70 year old knees complain.
    anyhoot..I ramble … you are blessed and deserving of your beautiful homestead/s.
    Have a wonderful Spring!

  5. I had a hard time reading her book. I was furious at her father and how it contributed to her bad choices later on. I enjoyed her cookbook.

    1. YES!! Spot on, same sentiment. The cruelty. I admire her honesty, too. And happy to hear her mother left him for a saner existence after all those years. She looks well, too. Amen

      1. Her honesty is amazes me. It takes a tremendous amount of strength to be public with that level of self awareness.

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