Category: Uncategorized
From the Doughboy
Some of you serious bakers might consider the pillsbury dough in a can to be a cheat method… but I have to say, I’ve got more than a few recipes where their stuff is awesome for quick use.
The Antler Hunter
Pine, Poinsettias & Pizza
Acer Gardens in Deep River, CT has a wonderful selection of poinsettias and wreaths and holiday greenery. Their prices are decent too and the staff are always helpful, knowledgeable and happy in their work – doesn’t that always make you want to bring your business to them again? I have never understood the mentality of a business or shop owner with an attitude.
Yesterday we didn’t attempt to swim the strong currants of the Outlets downtown. Instead we picked out wreaths for the doors of this Old House at our favorite greenhouse location ~
A cheesecake retraction
When I post a recipe, it’s usually one I’ve been making for a while and I know it’s good. The pumpkin chocolate cheesecake recipe I posted about this past week? Not so. It looks beautiful, the ingredients suggest it’s probably a good one, and in all honesty it wasn’t horrible. BUT.. I like my cheesecakes to be OMG mouthwatering rich and creamy and deliciously rich and creamy. And rich and creamy. And rich.
This.. was not. It was OK. Just that. Beautiful in it’s presentation, but in my opinion the beauty truly only went skin deep. Just thought I’d let you know, so I don’t let you down if you try it and feel the same way. No offense intended to the creator of the recipe.
The Death by Chocolate trifle? It was like crack, people… It’s an awesome, easy to make, deliciously chocolate whipped creamy YUM that I recommend highly for the holiday season. It’s in the recipe tab above if you missed the recipe.
We had a nice day with family yesterday, good food, relaxation and football by the fire. I hope you had a good day too 🙂
It’s beginning to look…..
..just a little like Christmas. Because… Thanksgiving Dinner is at another family members house this year. And.. I do a lot of decorating for the holidays. So… why not get a head start? Although.. I feel like I’ve betrayed Thanksgiving just a little.
I did make that chocolate pumpkin cheesecake for tomorrow’s dessert and it looks wonderful. Not hard to make either.. recipe HERE.
Stepping out of The Box
Do you prepare or appreciate a traditional Thanksgiving Feast? or do you sometimes Step Out Of The Box? My menu doesn’t usually stray too far from the traditional… Turkey and sometimes a spiral ham if we’re having a large crowd – mashed sweet potatoes and mashed white potatoes, corn spoon bread, green been casserole, stuffing – I’ve varied the recipe from year to year – Cranberry relish from Harry & David (OMG- awesomeness. I eat it with a spoon right out of the jar, yes I do). Pumpkin pie and apple pie with vanilla ice cream.
This year, dinner will be served at my SIL’s house. I am in charge of desserts and I’m stepping out of the box. Since this family is a chocolate loving crowd, I am making the chocolate pumpkin cheesecake I posted a few days ago… and a big bowl of Death By Chocolate. YUM. (photo courtesy google)
snapshot sunday
Empty Condo
A really cool Chick Chair
One of the features today on Kim’s blog (Savvy Southern Style) is a Chick Chair I adore!…and the discovery of yet another talented and courageous lady, Daena, and her awesome blog – Bad Rabbit Vintage.
Here’s the link to her post about this chair…