What Sunday looks like

Made with blueberries from the field…
  The secret to great looking Petunias?  Water.  Every. Single. Day.

 The bugs have been horrendous this year, so horses are wearing fly masks.

Farm stand re-opened… in the shade(!!)… with more produce.

Ben  doesn’t know what to make of those
 REALLY BIG DOGS that moved in yesterday.
Hope you’re having a great day too…
Thank you for stopping by, I alway love reading your comments 🙂

Happy Horses

  What’s a farm without farm animals, right?  We finally brought the horses home today… we have some very happy campers here… that includes me 🙂


Opie, Lacey & Coady

 And all was right with the world once again.
PS. for those of you who are local.. after just one and a half days,
The head gardener here decided we don’t have enough produce yet to
stock a stand the way he would like to see it.
We also have to figure out how to keep the stuff in the shade
so it doesn’t wilt. Live and learn, I say.
His words were a little stronger.  Type A thing, you know.

The bucks stopped here…

 Last night while we were sitting out on the screen porch, look who wandered over the hill to graze…

I counted nine.. all bucks.  I had no idea they traveled together. 
 I assumed they had “territories”.

Once they saw me taking pictures…
far away, using zoom with no flash!…

 They hightailed it out of here.
Did you ever wonder where that saying came from?

I didn’t NEED it…

.. but for $25. at a nearby vintage junk emporium, what a find!  I love it.  An old print, glued onto a black painted board back, now hanging in my agriculture inspired bedroom…

 Look at that sweet face ~
I believe this is a Dairy cow of the Jersey Variety.
This is why there can be no beef cows on the property.
The Man has suggested it.  
I could never eat them.

B is for bargains, barns and blueberries

 The barstools  we originally bought for the kitchen island at This Old House were nice looking, but not comfortable.  The Man of the house wanted something more substantial.   Sooo…I went to my favorite vintage bargain shop last week (Gather in Ivoryton) and found two treasures for a real deal.   The first was this set of kitchen island chairs… $80. a piece!…and one was $60 because the seat had a scratch! …… as opposed to $265. for others I had seen online almost everywhere else.

PS – the kitchen is a mess because I just finished putting together a Shephards Pie for dinner… in 90 degree summer heat. What was I thinking?  I wasn’t.

 Then….I spied out of the corner of my eye…this awesome chicken pillow, complete with chicken feather border! Edge? You know what I mean.

 I think these are guinea hen feathers, to be honest.

The barn is near completion.. horses moving home in a week or two…

 Rubber matted stalls, dividers and doors not yet in…

Mini tack room and grain bin (thanks Jeff!)

You know, when we planned to move here… the GOAL was….
to SIMPLIFY.  To NOT create so much work on this new old farm.
 Somewhere along the way…
 we forgot.
I have to go out there tonight when the sun is more forgiving and pick peas…
care to join me?  My Acid Reflux is acting up, I’ll warn you right now, I’m a bear.
But look at these blueberries….
They’re worth the
 cursing for hours at each other trying to put up netting and throwing your back out
The girls are not impressed.
Typical teenagers.