Besides my quarter horse, Opie, who long-time readers have met, I also have two miniature horses. When we decided to buy This Old House and renovate and the old farm went up for sale, it was clear I’d have to find them another living arrangement until I had a place here for them again. Opie went to a boarding barn nearby..and the minis have been living on a sheep farm.
Long story short, they are now back in my possession and I just didn’t realize how much I missed these two little horses. They are living in their old quarters on the old farm (still not sold) until we can get something up for them here. And while I’ve tossed and turned about the decision to build another barn, we’ve decided to bring Opie and a boarder home too. After twenty five years of having my horses right outside the door, (and all the work that entails) and then having a respite… I’m taking the plunge and bringing them home again. This time the barn will be smaller and easier for me to care for…. (oh, my aching back!) and I’ll have a boarder who will share in the work.. that’s a huge relief.