Mr. Tux

Him:  Mom, you coming to help me pick out a tux?
Me: You said you were going with your friends.
Him:… yeah, they’ll be there, but I don’t want to look like a dork.
Just come and help me pick it out.
Me:  (silently thanking the Gods of Teenage Aloofness for
releasing their grip on my son for  this little moment in time. ) 

He’s ready for Prom. 
Honestly.. it took me less time to find a wedding dress than it
did to put together a tux ensemble, but I think he looks sharp.
His date is wearing a deep purple gown, simple and elegant.
NOW… off to the horse show!
Have a good weekend all.
In my best Arnold voice..
“I’ll be back.”


I’ve had dogs since I was very young.
Mutts, purebreds, adopted, rescued, purchased.
They’ve all been loyal, loving, obedient for the most part.
Except for the piss pot, no more mini dachsunds for me.
There is no question, though, that when you rescue/adopt a dog..
there’s a gratitude not paralleled with any other.
Somehow they know…
and return the favor tenfold.

If you’re local, there will be a fundraiser for Dog Days
next Adoption Event ( to be held in Saybrook in May.)
See flyer below, and come join our efforts this Saturday Night
by purchasing a pasta dinner – just $10, either sit in or take out –
and let’s rescue another 100 dogs~

Hearts for Hounds

Yesterday a box arrived from still-snowy Nebraska.
There was no chill in this box, however…
more like a brilliant ray of sunshine.
made these by hand to be worn by our next group of
rescued shelter dogs who will be available for adoption
in May… see link below for more info.
Not only did she spent time putting these beautiful heart tags together,
she thought of me too….
A beautiful mug and my favorite tea (how did you KNOW?)
and… a camera necklace that I’ll be wearing today..
never seen one like it and I love it..
you all know I’m a shutter bug.
I wish THIS kind of thing..
an act of kindness… were in the headlines on a daily basis.
It’s what really makes the world go round.
Thank you, Nancy.
Thank you.

Almost Showtime

  Remember that line in The Lion King, uttered in frustration by Timon… “It Starts“..

 … yeah… that would be me.

This weekend K, Max and I will attend the first show of the season.  It’s a four day event and a step up from our open show routine last year. This is a breed specific show, Quarter Horse to be precise. K and Max have been working together for many months, Max at 17 years young just getting back into show horse groove and K knowing she’s taking a step up.  

 What’s needed to participate:

The horse and rider, of course. Sane and Sound, with luck.

One western riding outfit (hat, shirt, jeans, chaps, showmanship pants, boots, belt with ridiculously big buckle, jewelry.  Yes jewelry)  

*The fancy pants people have more than one outfit, we’re not wearing fancy pants.

One English riding outfit (helmet, blouses, jacket, riding pants, boots, boot socks otherwise you ain’t getting them on, gloves, hairnet, elastics, bobby pins, makeup, demure earrings.)

Cooler full of food and drink, clothing for the entire weekend, casual, warm, cold weather, rain gear.

show blanket and sleezy ( get your mind out of the gutter – it’s a hoodie for horses to keep their mane bands or braids neat) leg wraps, halter, lead line, show halter, show western pleasure saddle, show bridle, show saddle pad and regular exercise pad so you don’t get your show stuff dirty when you’re just practicing. Show english saddle, english bridle, girths, show pad that holds number on side.. tail extension, various grooming supplies.

I’ve made lists.  I have lists of lists.  K is getting nervous.  I keep telling her this is supposed to be fun, and if she isn’t having fun, we shouldn’t be doing it.  No pressure, we don’t care the color of the ribbon.. it’s the FUN and SAFE factor I’m interested in.

…and you KNOW how your kid just loves the advice you give them and is so very willing to respect and  apply the wisdom you have gained simply by being on this earth for 48-ish years so far and having learned a thing or two or one thousand seventy two in the process.   


 Are we having fun yet? Wish us luck.

Suspect in Custody – but…..

  Those were awesome words sprawled across the CNN screen last night.  SUSPECT IN CUSTODY.    Relief absolutely.  No one else was hurt or killed, the city of Boston can return to life as they usually know it.  Suspect No. 2 is now in custody and hopefully will survive his injuries to face judgement day.  People were literally cheering in the streets, chanting USA, waving the American flag.

 Inspiring as that moment was, there is little consolation for the families of the victims.  What’s done is done. The losses are permanent and lives are altered or erased forever.

   For what?

   Here’s the big problem. That was just one pair of extremists.  There are many many more.   Is that what they were? We don’t even know yet, do we. I think the 19 year old was dragged down into his brother’s dark world of Isl*mic extremism out of some loyalty he felt for his brother.  Sad, this.

   As the nation watched, riveted to the images on the screen, the endless (ENDLESS!!) banter of hyperventilating newscasters giving us minute by minute verbal vomit about every detail over and over again…. I was thinking about what might be running through the mind of that 19 year old on the run.  Just a kid, really.  Did he even know or fully understand or BELIEVE in whatever the reason is going to be for this hideous terror act he and his brother had committed?  Now that Brother was gone, and hey, he ran him over in his hasty retreat, that’s not gonna be an easy pill to swallow…  what was left for him?  Did he feel he accomplished something? and what would that be?  Was it worth giving up the good education, the quality life he was building here in the good ole US?

  For these extremists, there is no sense to their brand of violence. So we’re never going to find it, or make them “see the light” and reverse their radical ways. They use their religious beliefs to justify their actions.  As Suspect No. 2 said to a friend.. “it’s not terrorism if the cause is justified”.    How do you reason with that line of thinking? 

   You can’t.

   And so this issue isn’t going away any time soon.  As much as I hate the idea of racism or ethnic profiling, those who are radical extremist Musl*ms have made us all weary.  Trust.. it’s like a piece of paper. You can hold the piece of paper fresh, crisp… then crumple it into a ball in frustration. You can open up that piece of paper again to give it another go, but it will never be the same… the inevitable lines and crinkles will remain.

 When you heard about the bombing, what was your immediate thought as to who might be responsible?  And when you first saw the pictures of the “persons of interest”  what was your immediate thought then?  Exactly.  And I HATE that I felt that way but it’s not because of my own closed mindedness or ignorance.  It comes from experience, lessons learned.

 I love the idea of a world where all can live together peacefully – practicing their own set of beliefs, living their own way of life…coming together in areas of need and working together when necessary. It’s totally possible.   I don’t ever want to judge a person by the color of their skin, the slant of their eyes, the prominent nose or their freckle pattern, the God they worship.  We are all inhabitants of this earth with a right to live by our own ideals.

 But the as*holes of this world have tainted our ability to do so.   And yeah, you better believe I am wary and weary of  the followers of a religion that states we are all deserving of death if we don’t follow their leader.

Excellent article in the Boston Globe I agree with whole-heartedly can be found  HERE.   Thanks Susan.


This is where it gets really discouraging….

 A 19 year old?   A NINETEEN YEAR OLD???    …Who has been in the US for over 10 years. He came here along with many family members to seek a better way of life.  To get a better education. And he DID!  He was an excelling student at U-Mass, also a fitness buff.  To all who knew him, he seemed like a good soul, a good sport, the outgoing friendly kind of guy.   What sort of hold his brother had on him we’ll probably never know, because I don’t see this ending well, do you?  No, I don’t see him him giving himself up readily to undergo the interrogation. 

 He had a good life here, had friends and family nearby.  What the hell could have possibly ignited such hate or anger or whatever it is that compels a person to do such a horrible thing.

  I pray he does not slip through the dragnets, the thousands of law enforcement officers who are looking for him.  We need answers.


 Spring took her time this year, but I think it’s safe to say she has arrived full figured and flaunting it. Finally.  When I step outside in the morning the smell of damp earth greets me as I make my way to the coop and barn to tend the critters that make this place a farm.

Garden plots are tilled…
The grass is greening up…

seeds are sprouting in the greenhouse…
We’ve got enough Basil to appease the whole of Italy, I do believe…

There are buds on the trees…

The girls are free roaming whilst I keep watch for circling hawks.

This here is Henrietta… She is a Cochin, and I just love her small stout
vintage look.  She reminds me of chickens you’d find in childrens story books…
When the hawk attacked one of my flock last week and I reported it on FB..
my daughter texted from work…
No, she’s just fine.

..and Andy.. my pretty blue andalusian girl.
I wish I had ordered more of these, they are beautiful and kind.
Yes, chickens can be kind.

The horses have shed a good part of their winter coats
and the shine is coming through.  This is an indication of good feed and hay,
overall good health.

The Mr. has sprayed the fruit trees with oil that helps keep the bugs off..
We lost a few to this wicked winter.

I’m finding it hard not to focus on the horrible events in the news this week..
Such sadness and loss.  Anger, questions.
..I want to know who it was this time… domestic, a lone wolf?
International?  I’m not sure which would be worse.
But life goes on in the season of rebirth…
Life goes on.
PS. I had to remove the anonymous comment ability,
received too much ugly spam. I apologize to those who use this feature often
to join our conversations.  Also, many of you  leave wonderful comments that I’d
like to respond to or thank you for, but your e-mail is blocked.  Just want you to know
your input is appreciated always –  
It’s a new day, all – let’s hope they catch the Fucker responsible for this
monstrosity in Boston and he/they are consumed by their own blackened hell.

Words fail

What lurks in the minds of
these Evil souls who carry out such hideous violent acts..
What justifies the killing of innocent people…
Another tragic day in our people’s history.
We are ALL the people of this world..
why can’t we live in peace.
Words fail, indeed.
Sending prayers to those lost and suffering in Boston..
just that.