Not again….

  I don’t know if this Connecticut story has made national news – Last night as I was watching a movie with my daughter, an Amber Alert was issued and flashed across the screen for quite a while.  The situation, apparently, was dire.  Sadly, there was a relatively quick end to the search…  and not the ending people were praying for.  See story HERE…  for more indepth details.

   In short, A 47 year old grandmother with a history of mental illness, bipolar disorder, etc.etc.   picked her two grandchildren up from day care,  boys ages 2 years and 6 months… and brought them to a remote area where she shot them both dead and then took her own life.


Two things come to mind…

Why is a woman with a history of mental illness in possession of a gun?  Was she issued a permit?  Did anyone do a backround check that would include history of mental illness before giving her that permit?  I’m sorry, but I don’t care if that would violate her right to medical privacy.   It should be mandatory.  Perhaps it was the gun of a family member.  Well, time to wake the fuck up.  If you’ve got a member of your family who has a history of mental illness… ANY mental illness, whether it’s depression, severe anxiety, bipolar disorder, autism,  etc. etc. etc..  there should not be guns  in any location that they can have access.

 Case in point – Sandy Hook.   What was that mother thinking?!.. she knew her son was autistic and suffered depression and did not get along with his peers.  So.. take him to a gun range and teach him how to use assault weapons?  It’s the reason I don’t feel sorry for her tragic demise.  It was probably a blessing, because I don’t know how she could have lived with the knowledge that her son had done such hideous harm to all those innocent children with the gun she had taught him to use.

Why is a woman with a history of mental illness allowed to pick two very young grandchildren up from daycare in the first place?

My thoughts this morning are with the mother who will have to find a way to go on without her two precious sons, knowing they died at the hands of her own mother.

MENTAL ILLNESS needs to be addressed even more vigorously than gun control in my opinion.  It’s the mentally ill that are doing the most harm.  I don’t mean this as an assault on those who are afflicted, they didn’t ask for their illness any more than a cancer patient wants their disease.   I, too have suffered from anxiety issues.    This nation needs the same consideration for the mentally ill, we need facilities that are equipped to properly treat these people,  we need treatment that is affordable to all, we need to  humanely house those who can’t live on their own safely.  It’s for their safety as well as the rest of the population.

 A woman with bipolar issues had a problem with someone blaming the bipolar conditon on this tragedy.   She said she is bipolar and she would never commit those crimes.   Well, SHE apparently has her illness under control, but there are no guaranties.  I don’t think she should ever possess a gun given her diagnosis.

 Another sad day in Connecticut, and we don’t have to ask WHY, in my opinion. That’s not the question.  WHEN… is more appropriate.  When will we wake up?

  If you have a different opinion on this subject, I welcome your viewpoint in the comments section. I only  ask that you keep it respectful.

A very dreary, rainy, windy, grey day, this is…. in more ways than one.

If I ever win the lottery…

 … I will buy a second home on Martha’s Vineyard among the lovely Campground Cottages in Oak Bluffs.  If you’ve never been, oooh, you’re missing something special.

Here I sit with a 90 year old resident who’s family has been
summering in this charming cottage since the late 1800’s.
For the history of the cottages,

I often browse the real estate ads, searching for that absolutely affordable
cottage that I might renovate some day.
A girl can dream.
My friend Joan, who shares my love for the Vineyard so much that her
entire blog is devoted to it…
brought to my attention this cottage highlighted in Coastal Living…

I’m in love.
And what’s not to love about the Vineyard itself?
Well, maybe the crowds in summer..
but it’s a small price to pay for living in my kind of rustic oceanside paradise.
There is something nostalgic about the place too..
When I get off the ferry and breathe in that air..
it’s speaks of *home* to me. 
Simple as that.

OK Joan.. for all your tough trivia questions and snippets, I have some for you.
What harbor is this above?
Where is this giant tree?   

What restaurant are we sitting in here?…..
…and where can this statue be found?

What town are we in? ….
Can you name my favorite breakfast restaurant?
Hint:.. it’s right across from our favorite coffee house. 
PS.. this was my blonde highlight poor hair decision making stage,
just hush.  
What beach has these waves?
Where is this dock located?  There is a tiny clue, but I know you don’t need it.
This is the only photo I have that might stump you, Joan.
The view is a scene as you travel down one of the main artery roads from one town to the other.
Can you tell me what two towns this lies between?  
Here’s one more view of the same area…
 Indeed.. what’s not to love.
Joan… I’ll see you in the comments section?
I’m guessing you’ll get every one right.


 I used to be a bean pole.  Then I grew up.  There was a decent figure for a long time, even through the childbearing years!  Then the middle age spread.   Muffin top.    More like pound cake.  And oooh, how I love food.. all kinds!    I’ll never be one of those folks who can restrict their diet in extreme ways, I don’t think that’s good for you anyway.   I know  some people who obsess over their aging bodies, obsess over what they’re eating, restriction, regiment, weighing portions, total elimination of this or that, sometimes frustrated over why they aren’t getting the results they desire through the methods they’re following.  Honestly, I think it all comes down to simple common sense that we all possess.   I know when I get to my heavier self, I haven’t been eating well or wisely.  I also know that my 47 year old body isn’t going to look like my 27 year old body, and I can honestly say I’m comfortable with it.  As we age, in order to do it gracefully and with peace of mind, there needs to be some acceptance too. For some… there-in lies the rub.

  Right now I’m heavier than I’d like, not because someone is telling me I’m fat, but because I just don’t feel as well as I should when I eat the crap that gets me to this weight.  So here I go AGAIN.. on a quest to get back to that healthier place, after falling off the wagon through this coooold winter.  I’m not beating myself up though, life will do that to you without your help, I know you know what I mean.

 My friend Lynn just sent me this link… and I really like it so I’m sharing it with you.  Common sense rules. This is pretty much what I’ve done before and it does work without deprivation or strict adherence to something that won’t last long term. No Fads, no fanaticism.  Do-able.

Maybe he should charge admission

       Hey.. you know, with college on the horizon and all… every little bit helps!

   Seriously, the kid has turned his room into a mini aquarium. There should be a sign above the door reading Mystic Aquarium South. The hushed gurgle of bubbling, filtered water with that added touch of humidity in the air is either soothing or disconcerting, depending on which way you go with that.  He loves it.  Lets not forget the volcano in the goldfish tank, a veritable bubble and light show, a night light of the coolest sort! Hopefully the goldfish agree.

    So, we started with Goldie. Then Goldie needed a tank and a friend.  Then Goldie & Company needed a bigger tank.  And then a bigger one.  Goldfish are cool, but they’re kinda boring according to the kid.  And so another, larger tank was assembled…. a semi aggressive tropical community tank.
    Two days ago  he brought home a homeless red eared slider turtle. We’ve improved its living conditions some, and eventually it will need a bigger tank. 

He assures me the “aquarium” is now complete. 
Are you ready for a tour?
Iphone pics, excuse the poor quality.

New and improved goldfish tank…
This is an orange and white Fan goldfish…

and this below is Goldie… who has tripled in size since arriving two years ago.
He is what they call a Comet, or feeder fish.. because they are most often used
as feeders for other fish-eating fish, turtles, snakes, etc…

We have some cool archeology and a map of New York behind this tank…

This is a new addition to the goldfish tank, a fancy comet..
meaning he has longer fins than Goldie.

A Calico Fan…

…a clam!!  It opens about an 8th of an inch and feeds off the filtered water that gets through
it’s slight opening.

and this is Nemo.. I rescued him from a feeder tank about a week ago..
what a cute little face, couldn’t resist.  for 15 cents, he was a bargain.


Lets move on to the Semi Aggressive Community Tank

      Here you will find sailfin sunset mollies, large neon tetra, a pleco, algae eaters, rainbow somethings,
Silver dollars, and the beautiful and exotic African butterfly fish, which is fed crickets as a supplement
to the flaked food. Live crickets, eaten with lightening speed. 
The butterfly fish has a prehistoric look, don’t ya think?
His “wings” are beautiful from above.
He glides gracefully along the top of the tank…
and grabs his prey with lightening speed.

That concludes the Mystic South Tour…watch your step as you come down
the staircase and into the kitchen… where you can stop to pick up a fresh
baked oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, recipe courtesy Hilary Clinton
  and view my Betta collection in the corner.
Remember the fish College girl brought home from dorm
because it was being neglected by it’s owner?
On the left, he is looking great.
I’ve had Ruby for years… he’s showing his age here…
New kid on the block…. just because.
(note to self:  stay away from PETCO betta display.)

 Have a great weekend, all – we’re waiting on some more crappy weather, however it’s not supposed to be snow.  Sounds good to me.

Home for wayward turtles

  It all started with Goldie, the homeless Goldfish.  Story Here.  Goldie lived for a while quite happily in a five gallon tank with a buddy and an algae eater in my sons bedroom.  Then one evening there was some sneaky activity involving a couple of teenage boys and some slithering up and down the back stairs while we ‘rents were otherwise occupied.  Suddenly there was a 55 gallon aquarium on the desk once used for homework (*ahem) and Goldie and friends got a slightly bigger tank. 

  Last night there was once again the pitter patter of sneaky feet up the back stairway while we were busy in the kitchen.   All were called down for dinner and there was definitely an air of smirkitude amongst the boyz. 

DAD:  What are you doing upstairs, I hear the backstairs footsteps, you’re not fooling me.
SON:   What?  OH.  It’s just your birthday present, really!  DON’T GO UPSTAIRS AND LOOK!!!

yeah, okI’ve got a bridge to sell you too….  

Apparently, while visiting the local pet store to get more aquarium supplies, he happened to admire the turtles.  The ever-helpful sales associate said   “you want one of those?  I’ve got one in the back that just got dumped here, the owner didn’t want him anymore.  I can’t legally sell him or his tank and equipment… you can have the whole thing for $10.!!”

You know what he did, right?    Because he’s MY SON, right?

 The newly adopted Turtle is a red-eared Slider.  They are the most common of pet turtles and are fairly easy to care for.  This one has been neglected. He had very long nails which I had to trim with a nail clipper (yes, I did).  He is the size of a small dinner plate and has outgrown his tank.  Probably why the owner was done with him.  Today I am going to find smaller rock formations out under the frozen tundra and give him more swimming room. Someday he will have to move from this tank, but we’re not going there right now!  
Turtles are more observant than you might think.  He follows us around the room with his
eyes and begs for food too.   My son is thrilled, and so far he is taking very good care of
all his tanks.


Yes, I said ALL his tanks.  Because he now has a mini aquarium upstairs…
more on that tomorrow.
OH, and… Happy birthday DAD. 


Three Dog Night


   Supposedly, that phrase originated with the Australian Aborigines who slept with their dogs on cold nights.  The coldest were “three dog nights”.   

   Around here, we don’t need to cuddle with the dogs on the bed thanks to modern heat. For many years I couldn’t convince the Mr. to let the smallest of our pack sleep with us.  That changed a few years ago when Bailey became ill and he took heart.  Feeling sorry for her in her dwindling days, he invited her on the bed to sleep with us, thinking it wouldn’t be long now.

   Three years later, Bailey thrives, beating the odds. Rest assured, it’s always at least a one dog night here at this old house.  Once you’ve let them in, you know…  you can’t turn tail months later simply because things are looking better.  Try reasoning with a dog.  The ritual is the ritual.

    Now, Ben the Dane sleeps in my office on that used up queen size mattress.  It works like a charm and he’s a happy bed camper.  Rudy the pisspot sleeps in his crate because he’d mark everything from here to Chicago if he were left to roam.   When Frasier came along… a dilemma!  He is a cuddle bug, just like Bailey.  They are often together during the day napping in this position.

But…  not until the cows that we don’t have come home under a blue moon will the Mr. allow another dog on the bed.   If I could, I’d let Frasier up.     A two dog night is still do-able in a King size bed if you’re asking me about it.   I’m pretty sure, though, beyond any shadow of a doubt really, that I would then be sleeping out in the dog house we don’t even have.

Sorry, Frasier.  Sometimes….you gotta do what you gotta do.    

Blue Moon

    One of my favorite shoreline stores is Blue Moon Gallery in Guilford, CT.  I doubt there is a soul on this planet with an artistic or spiritual or humorous bent that couldn’t find 100 things to love in that shop.  The Mr. gave me a gift certificate for Christmas and today I spent it.   Here are some of my new treasures…

This is a Raku guardian angel, no bigger than your thumb.
You tell her your worries and fears and she works them for you,
while you leave them with her and go live your life joyously and pursue your goals..
I have no one to give this card to at this very moment…
however I couldn’t pass it up.

Weather Weary

   Do any of you live in a part of the world where you have the distinct impression that the weather is perfect just about all the time?  I’ve heard that San Deigo, CA  has perfect weather.  I have no idea if that’s true, but right now I’d like to give it a try. 

    It’s currently bitingly cold and windy here in CT, and all that snow we got a week ago has melted a little, and hardened into crusty slippery stuff.  I’ve been browsing the seeds catalogues and decided to place an order yesterday… this year I’m trying a few new varieties.  The Mr. has placed an order for his vegetables with an organic seed company out of Italy.. .click here 

  Burpee is my resource for these beauties below…

Purple Dragon Carrots

Italian Ice tomatoes

and for my flower beds…three varieties of Zinnia.
I have found that Zinnia is such an easy flower to grow,
great for cutting, prolific, and blooms all summer long
with very little effort from me.
Queen Red Lime
(My favorite)


State Fair mix

I’m going to make a Sunflower wall against the back of the garden this year too
These are Coconut Ice…
Hard to believe, but just four months from now,
it’ll be looking more like this around here…