Category: Uncategorized
Sharing the Love
Normally on Valentines Day I make a big chocolate cake or big fluffy cupcakes for the family. Heart shaped cookies and chocolate hearts too…. This year, slowly but surely, I’m making changes. We’ve all been more conscious of healthy eating recently, even my almost 17 year old son. SO.. there will be no chocolate cake after dinner tomorrow night. I do have heart shaped cookies on the counter and there’s also a smattering of dark chocolate hearts (good for you in moderation, don’t ya know.)
Dinner this week will also be more health conscious recipes… these two links below are on the menu, as long as I can find the ingredients at the grocery store. (Still no school today due to snow removal efforts!)
Buffalo Chicken Salad
Italian Wedding Soup
Two of my dear blog friends are in need of prayer and encouraging words. If you’re so enclined, visit their blogs and leave a comment – share some love, some light, some encouragement …
Are we having fun yet?
take my word for it.
Ritzy Rolos & Horrible dresses
Simply place ritz crackers on a cookie sheet, and top each one with a Rolo candy. Place in an oven at 350º. Remove when Rolos are melted and top with a second Ritz. Let cool to harden, and eat them by the handfuls.
– Sinful, but so easy good.
I am woman, hear me roar!
The boys left early this morning to get more snow removal accomplished… our parents are still not plowed out. Neither are some of the many roads in this area, and I-95 was still unplowed as of last night, hard to believe. That left me staring wistfully at the snowbound gator up at the barn this morning.. my much-needed manure removal system. I said .. self? Suck it up. Get the snow shovel and git er dun. I want you to say that just as I typed it, with emphasis 🙂
White, but with SUN!
You can see the difference between this morning (earlier post) and this afternoon – the storm has let up and blown away. I suspect we’ll be cleaning it up for days to come though. No one allowed on the roads but emergency vehicles and plows… Looks like we ended up with 36 inches in flat areas and four foot snowdrifts where the wind kicked in.
A whole lotta white
Last night, after we had already shoveled twice…
There are actually stairs to get up to the little side porch with those sliders too.
Four foot drifts up the sides of the house…
He’s not either.
…working on path to get to the barn to feed horses….
and up to the back equipment barn to get the bulldozer…
because that’s what it’s gonna take.
Nemo ain’t no clown fish
Because truly, that’s what I do best. Is that a word? I’m not sure.. but you know what I’m referring to. So here goes… (I might have had some high octane chocolate a few minutes ago.. just hush)
I’m plagerizing today by posting a healthy gluten-free pancake recipe my fitness friend Joey put on FB .. if she says it’s good, it’s probably good because she’s picky. Let’s see if she’s paying attention….
Joey’s pancake recipe:
½ cup almond flour
… ½ tsp. cinnamon
½ tsp. baking powder
½ cup egg whites
1 egg
Combine almond flour, cinnamon, and baking powder in a medium sized bowl. Mix in egg whites and egg.
Heat a non-stick sauté pan over a medium heat and melt 1 tsp. of coconut oil. Pour ¼-cup pancake mix into the pan (do this for as many pancakes fit in the pan without over crowding). Once you see the edges begin to bubble, flip the pancake and cook another 40 seconds or so. Remove from the pan and continue this process until you have finished all the batter.
Pancakes make 2 servings (each serving is about 4-5 pancakes).
This cartoon below is hilarious…. because some of us horse people go just a little nutz with all the blanketing of horses we do during cold weather months. Truth be told, if horses are left to their own devices, they grow a decent coat and as long as they have plenty of food, good body weight and shelter to get out of the bad weather, they don’t really need blankets. I blanket Opie because he was bred to be a show horse and has never grown a really thick coat. So to make me feel better, he has a winter blanket. Our show horse Max is blanketed because he also doesn’t grow a thick coat, and we don’t WANT him to because he is worked almost daily and the sweating and drying would be a real nuisance and not good for him if he had thick winter coat hair.
(pulled this off FB on iphone, pardon the weird graphics… )
We’re about to get some crumby winter weather again… more snow, sleet, freezing rain, general yuck. So while the sun was shining today I took Ben out for the exercise we both need.