A walk in the woods

I am determined to stick with my walking/yoga routine atleast four times a week. There is no doubt I feel so much better about just about  every.single.thing  when I am taking decent care of myself. When I slack off, I feel like I’m slogging through my days.  Something I have found useful –  A mantra I use when I’m about to eat something…. “Is this nourishing my body? .. or polluting it.”   
Yesterday, despite the dreary misty grey day that was supposed to be sunshiney and warm, I took Ben for a walk at my favorite State park. I am asked at least once on every public walk with this dog… How much does he WEIGH??… when I say 190 lbs… some folks back up a few feet, which is kinda funny. Yesterday a man said.. “but you don’t weight 190 lbs.”   Since this fellow wasn’t the friendly looking sort… I replied… “… I know, right?…” as if I wasn’t any more sure of controlling the beast than he was sure that I actually could.
 Enough said.
By the way.. if you have a dog that pulls when you walk him/her….
buy yourself an Easywalk harness… they are incredible.
Because of arthritis in my neck, I really can’t have a dog pulling on me constantly.
This is one of those simple products that works wonders, and it’s very humane…
no choking of the dog at the neck.

I love the old hardware on this cabin….


Walking is one of the easiest, cheapest and best forms of exercise you can participate in.
No matter what your weather, make some time for yourself and just do it.
I find that changing my location frequently gives me more motivation.
Even if it’s just a different route in your own nieghborhood. 
If you have state parks  within an hour drive, make use of them! 
Here in Connecticut we are very lucky to have access to many beautiful areas
for walking, hiking, biking…and kayaking!
But that’s for another post.
It’s a new day – make it a good one!

a Me-Me – for you too.

Weather Outside:  Foggy, misty, rainy morning. Mud everywhere and then some.

Breakfast:  Gluten free homemade waffles with gingerbread syrup.
(Stonewall Kitchen brand… WOW, seriously good)

Pondering:  Should I have let the chickens out to wander for a while? or are they gonna get lost in the mist.

  Also, why is Britney Spears still on the radar?  I feel sorry for her, I do.  Xfactor dumped her, and so did her newest fiance.  She doesn’t have what it takes to survive with sanity the world of entertainment, why can’t they just leave her alone to live a simple life and raise her boys in a healthy way.  Probably because she doesn’t want that either.  I find it very disturbing, the public crash and burn of some celebrities. They can’t seem to get out of their own way to save themselves.  And the vultures waiting to document it.

ReadingJanuary First – almost unbelievable and courageous true story of the Schofield family. Google Jani Schofield if you’re interested. I guarantee, you’ll never look at your own life the same again without a heck of a lot of appreciation.  Warning – it is disturbing and heartwrenching.

Current Crush:   Justin Timberlake and Phillip Phillips.  Yes I know they are way way way too young for me.  I can still appreciate that they are charming and adorable and down to earth despite their star status.  Hey, I had crushes on Paul Newman and Robert Redford and they were WAY older than me.  

Ok… your turn, in the comments section.

As it ever shall be…..

My kids find it humorous and most definitely annoying that I worry over their safety.
“Mom!! I’m 23!!!”… says she.
“Mom!! I’m almost 17!”…. says he.
As if that information nulifies any concerns I might have about their wellbeing.
I don’t sleep until my new driver son is home for the night.
Is that really so crazy? Thankfully, he’s mindful of his curfew and his worried mother.
I envy those who can fall asleep without a care while their kids are out and about.
My husband is one of those people.
Maybe that’s because he knows I’ll carry that burden for him.
I want a text after arrival if my daughter is driving in bad weather conditions to a destination
she is unfamiliar with.  Call me nuts, after all she is an adult. 
 But… it’s a courtesy I  will continue to request.
When my son leaves for school in the morning,
more often than not he hears.. “Seat belt! ..and don’t be in a hurry”.
There used to be the eye roll and  snotty verbal complaint.. MOM, I KNOW!!!
Lately.. he gives me a smarmy smile
and with a measure of cheer, says “Oh, OK!”.
And it’s really going to have to be.
Because it doesn’t matter how old they get, I will always be their mother.
The years don’t erase the care and concern created by
birthing and raising our children.
I’ve explained this to them, and they tolerate it for now.
But only when they have children of their own will they fully understand.
A few weeks back, my 72 year old mother said to my 47 year old self…
“I don’t want you driving down there alone”. 
I knew what I had to say.
“Oh, OK!”.  

Thank you!

  I appreciate your feedback regarding your blog preferences… I remember when I first started this blog I was so excited about the music feature.  Well… that gets real old.. visiting a blog and listening to the same music over and over again can turn a person right off.   I removed it as soon as I figured that out.  I’ve also never liked ads right in my face… we get enough of that in the outside world, don’t we?   I’ve been approached by companies who would like me to advertise on this blog, but always say no.  This is a place for me to journal the happenings on this farm and family.  It’s also an opportunity to connect and share with all of you.  And that’s all I’m gonna say about that –

OH.. one more thing.  So many of you leave really nice or hilarious or informative comments and I’d love to respond. However, you’ve got that feature turned off and so I can’t tell you how thoughtful your comment was and how much I appreciate it.  Maybe that’s for a reason, and that’s OK.   But if you are unaware and want replies to comments sent to your e-mail… you need to do this…

In blogger.com, open your Dashboard.

Click the down arrow next to your name and click Blogger profile.

Click on the orange Edit Profile button.

Under Privacy on the left, check the box for “Show my Email Address.”

Save changes.

Dog days Graduates…

 I’m sharing two awesome pics on FB of two Dog Days graduates… Actually, Charla (and sister Chelsea )were taken in by Lorin and Lillian of Dog Days, both pups suffering from neglect and demodex mange. They have their own label on the side bar there if you want to read more of their story.
Charla before and after….  
 She was adopted by Lillian, her foster  mom  (Lil is now one of us, a Foster Failure..lol) ….Here she is playing in the snow with  another Dog Days Adoption Event graduate,  Slider.  I think Slider and Charla like the snow, don’t you?
Some of you contributed to their medical expenses and I want you to see
what your generosity accomplishes. 
NOW.. inquiring minds want to know.
When you read a blog… what type of appearance is the most appealing to you?
If you read my blog often you know I’m always changing things up.
Maybe that’s annoying.  A dark background might be hard to read.
A simpler look is easier on the eyes. The pics take too long to load?
Let me know what your opinions are in the comments section below.
And thank you again, from the dogs 🙂

The Age of Aquariums

 Fish tanks are nothing new around here. The Mr. has a big Cychlid tank at his office and I’ve got my Betta tank.  Junior has for the past year had a five gallon with a goldfish he rescued from the parking lot of the Guilford Fair. He watched as a family disgarded their prize goldfish in a baggie..left it right on the ground in a leaking bag!  He scooped it up and put it in his soda cup and brought it home.  I bought it a friend, and they’ve been living together happily with the hulk every since.

A few days ago, Junior and a few of his friends were spending alot of time at the Petstore. When I inquired, I was told… “L is getting more fish, we’re just checking it all out for his tank”.
Ok then.
Another trip to the pet store.
And another.
Then, on a quiet football and Sunday Sauce sunday,
there was the sudden pitter patter of three sets of teenage feet
up and down the front hall stairs,
and back and forth from the garage.
There may have been a bucket and hose involved.
“They’re up to something”, says the Mr.
although he was not leaving the football screen to check it out. 
It is sitting on his desk, the one he is supposed to do homework on.
55 gallons!???
“BUT.. it was on sale for an unbelievable price, Mom!
And I will TAKE CARE of it!  PROMISE!”
Husband looks at me and rolls his eyes..
 and quips with the sarcasm he has mastered,..
“He’s just like his mother“.
As if that were a bad thing.  🙂
Very cool, very mobile snail…
African butterfly, which is not as aggressive as they claim.
He kinda just wants to be left alone at the surface of the tank.
The others oblige.
Sunset mollies…
Silver Dollars…
He and two of his friends now have rather large tanks in their rooms.
One is kind of an expert, their house has atleast six salt water tanks.
The way I see it?
A couple of 16 year olds are showing interest in taking care of living things,
learning how to be responsible for something,
and they’ve earned their own money to pay for it.
It’s all good.  

Stuff that inspires….

I’d like to believe I’m a bridge builder. 
I love this card below, found by my fellow Marthas Vineyard loving friend Joan
 at Trader Joes… I should have asked her for the artists name on the back of the card..

Isn’t this just the most beautiful oasis of a hot tub
 on a cold winter day or night?

Regardless of what we’re handed, I’m reminded over and over again
that Life is what we make of it. 
When I want to gripe about whatever isn’t going my way,
I think of the people in my life who inspire me, and there are many.
The ones who are living a fullfilling life, who find enjoyment in every day,
who bring light to other’s lives, who almost never complain,
who soldier on and find humor and grace in every day living,
 regardless of their circumstances.
Dawn, Vicky,  Carol Ann, Beth, Hilary, Misha, Sally,
Vickie, Sandra…
and the list goes on.
There’s inspiration everywhere you look,
if you’re willing to open your eyes, receive and believe in it. 
It’s a new day, people. Make it a good one. 
(Jeez, you’d think I was auditioning for Oprah)

Getting it right… again.

     I fell off the healthy eating and regular exercise wagon a few months back for no good reason at all, to be truthful. However, a new year always seems like a good time to kickstart the good intentions and make them realities. That’s just what the Mr. and I are doing.
    I’m back to daily walking and a simple 20 minute yoga routine 3 or 4 times a week . Today was glorious at the beach…

   My yogi friend Lynn clued me in to healthy shakes/smoothies and her new love – the Vitamix.  I wanted to fall in love with the Vitamix too, for all those luscious, antioxidant rich powerhouse shakes it could provide me in my quest for a healthier body.  When I saw the price tag, however, the thrill was gone.   Holy crow, is ANY mixer really worth $500????   I said that very thing to the store clerk this morning and she laughed… and repeated the mantra I’ve read on many reviews… “Oh, but it’s sooo worth every penny”.    Maybe it’s true, but I still just couldn’t bring myself to do it.   I opted for a Cuisinart model that the clerk said would be almost as good as the Vitamix.  Good enough for me.

  I was so excited, I came home and made my first green smoothie…. 2 handfuls baby spinach leaves, pear juice,  half of an apple, fresh parsley, a banana and a cup of water. It was delicious, I kid you not.  I probably should have blended it for 30 more seconds, but I don’t mind this consistency at all.

   Lynn also sent me a link to Prevention Magazine’s list of healthy shakes, and they all look beautiful, don’t they?  Click on link below if you are interested in the ingredients.


This is the Crazy Sexy Goddess –
(somehow I don’t think it can do that for me)

avocado, banana,
 blueberry, cucumber, kale or romaine, coconut water

Blueberry Ginger
almond milk, blueberries,banana, ginger

The Cranberry Cleanser
 cranberries, celery, cucumber, apple, pear, spinach.

So, back to the resolution I’ve come to year and year again…
My hope is that in 2013 I stick with all the good eating and exercise
I initiate, and then some.

Have you made changes for the better to your diet and exercise routine
over the years that you know have really had a positive effect on you mentally and physically?
If so, share them in the comments section.